Even busy men have downtime.
Whether it's slow in business, projects that are finished early, or just a day off; some days will see you bored out of your mind.
So, what's a man to do?
Gents, these are little things that helped me pass the time – now I'm sharing them with you. Here are 13 ideas to knock out boredom.
Things To Do When Bored At Home
- Practice playing the piano
- Replicate your favorite meal
- Trash can basketball
- Take a walk
- Discover a new hairstyle
- Learn to change a tire
- Hone your coffee skills
- Read a book
- Write a letter
- Try a new exercise
- Conquer the small tasks
- Relearn something you do every day
- Write out an EPIC rant
1. Practice Playing The Piano
Ok, so not everyone has a piano in their home. What I mean by this is learning to pick up a new skill – be it an instrument, an art style, or a dance.
We stress productivity a lot in RMRS, but we also emphasize the importance of fun. Don't think about the bills, the business, or investments – this is pure recreation.

Don't be shy, jump on the hobby you've wondered about for years.
Think about something you've always wanted to do, but never had the time for. Wouldn't it be nice to attempt it at last? Who knows, it might stick!
2. Replicate Your Favorite Meal
You probably have a go-to meal at your favorite restaurant. You love the way their steak is seared or how the lobster is cooked.
Who said you can't have it at home?
There's never been a better time to replicate the recipe. Even if that specific restaurant's version is unavailable, I guarantee you that variations are online. Look them up, print them, and try to copy them.

Take a crack at making your favorite restaurant dish.
It probably won't come out well the first time – especially if you don't cook much. That doesn't matter. It's about passing the time and learning a new skill.
3. Trash Can Basketball
Yes, you read right. Turn your driveway into a basketball court and bring the family in. Make teams, get a ball and take turns throwing that sucker in.
Always remember to include the family in simple games.
You can even institute some grand prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The simplest games can make for profound memories – I'm talking from experience.
4. Take A Walk
Something as simple as a stroll around the neighborhood will be a therapeutic experience. Don some headphones, switch on your favorite jams, and start walking.

Go for a drive to pass the time.
Don't stop there. Take a drive off the beaten path as you drive. Take a drive around town, explore the parts you don't usually see during the commute.
You never know what you might find.
5. Discover a New Hair Style
You've been rocking the same old cut for years. A home is a safe place to experiment, so be bold.
There are likely several styles you never considered that might look fantastic on you – whether it be the classic Ivy League or an aggressive Undercut.

Celebrities like David Beckham are known for changing their style up – take inspiration from them, don't be boring!
Hit up YouTube for some tips on how to style your hair differently and see what works. You might leave the house a new man.
Click here to learn more about new hairstyles you can try.
6. Learn To Change A Tire
There's an unfortunate trope that a man who can't even change a tire is weak. It's a load of sh**. I'm recommending it to you for practical reasons.
You don't need a mechanic to change a tire, do it yourself.
A flat tire is just something you're bound to deal with, whether you like it or not. Are you going to let yourself be stranded, or are you going to do a 15-minute change and make it home in time for supper?
7. Hone Your Coffee Skills
Did you know that in some cultures, people will gossip about you if your coffee sucks? There are so many ways to make a solid cup of joe, it's a rabbit hole; French Press, Turkish, Espresso. Take your pick.

Perfect the craft because coffee is good for the soul.
You might be able to brew some “Ok” coffee as it is, but this is another way to be able to shake things up without going overboard. Experimentation, guys – it's the spice of life.
8. Read A Book

You must have seen this coming. The list of benefits afforded by simply picking up a book is substantial. Reading improves concentration, logic, and vocabulary.
You have a rare opportunity to catch up on some much-needed fiction, whether it be some classic Tolkien or a blast of something new. This is among the most productive and entertaining activities you can do to pass the time.
Click here to see 10 books I recommend to every man.
9. Write A Letter

When was the last time you spoke to that uncle in Michigan, or that grandparent in Florida?
I guarantee you that anyone will appreciate a handwritten letter.
We don't know how long we have on this planet, and it's never too late to let those people know how much they mean to you.
A handwritten letter is more meaningful than an email or a phone call because it takes more effort. If you wanted to make an impact with an old friend or relative, this is the way to do it.
10. Try A New Exercise
Do you work out at home? How often do you stick to the same old routine over and over?

Change up your workouts to keep it from getting tedious.
It's time to change it up. There is no shortage of YouTube videos and articles out there dying providing new ideas ready for experimentation. This is especially useful when it comes to those muscle groups you hate – a new way to work them out might reinvigorate you.
11. Conquer The Small Tasks
Make a game out of the most menial tasks in the day. Think about how long it takes you to wash the dishes, rake the leaves, or shovel the driveway.
Even the simplest chores can be fun when you time yourself.
To make things interesting, endeavor to accomplish them in half the time it usually takes. Have a little reward for yourself at the end. It's a small modification that adds a little eustress to your day.
12. Relearn Something You Do Every Day
I am probably not overstepping by assuming you shave, right? I'm also willing to bet your routine for it is simplistic; smacking cream on, scrape, wipe, and you're done.

You can improve on everything you do, especially when it comes to self-care.
This is the ideal opportunity to find out the ULTIMATE shaving routine and integrate it with your routine. This not only goes for shaving but any aspect of your daily routine. Always be aware that you can revolutionize how you do the most meager of tasks.
13. Write Out An EPIC Rant
Sometimes, a guy has to get his thoughts out there. There has to be something that bothers you – something you see constantly in social media, or the views of a particular political candidate. It doesn't have to be a negative, either.

Log on and get that passion out there.
The topic could be something you're genuinely passionate about and just dying to get out there. Whatever it is, get on Facebook and write about it.
There is something intangibly curative about pouring your thoughts out for the world to see (within reason). Give it a try!
There will be boring days – it's true whether you're an office associate or a CEO. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to keep busy even in the dullest of times. I hope this helped, take care gents!
Wondering which footwear men should wear at home? Find out from this article about house slippers for men!
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The post 13 Things To Do When You’re BORED & Stuck At Home appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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