, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Most Wanted Affordable Style – May 2024
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Most Wanted Affordable Style – May 2024

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Whether you’re looking for gift ideas or a quick upgrade for yourself, expect these to come around about once a month. You’ll find new arrivals and old favorites, especially good deals, or maybe something pricey to keep an eye on for future sales. The potential best of the best, which you may or may not have seen already. Got a tip on something that deserves to end up in the monthly Most Wanted? Send those in to [email protected].


suede shoes

Going somewhere? Like a wedding or somewhere else you need (or want!) to pack a suit or blazer for? Here’s your new best friend. The good folks at Bespoke Post have done a real nice upgrade to their hugely popular “Half-day” brand garment duffels. These are the bags that unzip and roll out so you can lay a suit or sportcoat out flat. You then zip it up, roll it into an easy to carry, less-likely-to-wrinkle-the-suit duffel-shape, and you’re on your way. The bag also has pockets for a pair of shoes, and space for shirts, casual pants, dopp kit, etc. Be sure to unroll and unzip the thing ASAP upon arrival, and don’t be afraid to hang your suit or blazer in the bathroom during a steamy shower to help release any wrinkles.


suede shoes

For those who love the old-school-cool/golden age of Hollywood look. 100% mercerized cotton. Ivory, black, or a muted “cilantro” green.

[TAG12] or [TAG13]

keywords: polos

Something to wear with those Tie Bar sweater polos and some linen/cotton chinos or even tropical wool trousers. Unlined for maximum flexibility and comfort. Sneakers are obviously awesome, but sometimes you gotta hit something warm-weather-appropriate that’s a step up, yet not all the way to the level of dress shoes. These should be the answer. The Penny Strap “Fastflex” loafers run $225, while the minimalist Patnoflex Travel loafers come in a couple bucks under $200. Both are made in Italy.


keywords: polos

It does appear that J. Crew has a true hit on their hands when it comes to their new Tech Oxford Cloth pants. So why not make shorts too? 9″ or 7″ inseams. Not a ton of colors yet, but the sky-blue is classic, and the green-white is interesting. Additional options in gray and khaki would be ideal.


keywords: polos

What. Doesn’t appear to be a US available model. Yet. Fingers crossed these make it to the U.S.A. at some point. It’s like they mashed up the old Bambino Vintage-style and Small Seconds and then sized it down to the new 38.4mm diameter option. Brilliant. Hat tip to Monochrome who has a breakdown and also says that these will list in Europe for 265 Euros. That works out to $285ish USD.


suede shoes

They’re unconstructed, minimally lined, and could be a perfect alternative to the famed Bonobos unconstructed blazer for those who love the quality and fit templates of Spier (Slim or Contemporary fit, and timeless/NOT shortened tail lengths).

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