, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Brian Hoyer Names The Greatest NFL Tight End Of All Time
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Brian Hoyer Names The Greatest NFL Tight End Of All Time

A general view of footballs on the field prior to the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium on December 18, 2016 in Arlington, Texas.
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

When it comes to figuring out who the greatest player is at any given position, tight end is often the one spot that generates the most discussion, as there is no consensus GOAT like there is at quarterback with Tom Brady, wide receiver with Jerry Rice, or linebacker with Lawrence Taylor.

So many great tight ends have come and gone and each has brought something different to the field, but one current backup QB believes he knows exactly who the GOAT is at tight end.

Free-agent quarterback and former New England Patriot Brian Hoyer said recently that Rob Gronkowski is the greatest tight end of all time, saying it was, “not only because of his size, speed…ability to run routes and catch but because he was such a great blocker,” via Carlos Talks Pats on Twitter.

Gronk’s most common comparison in recent years has been Travis Kelce, but Hoyer believes Gronk has the edge there due to his blocking as well, saying: “We look at Travis Kelce today…really, Travis isn’t blocking anybody. Rob would block like he was the right tackle…that allowed you to do so many things, that you could put eleven personnel in the game.”

It’s not exactly a hot take from Hoyer, and even though he is admittedly biased since he played with Gronk, the numbers speak for themselves.

Gronk has four Super Bowl rings and is third among tight ends in receiving touchdowns despite playing just 11 seasons.

Antonio Gates has 116 touchdowns and Tony Gonzalez has 111, and both played nearly twice as many games as Gronkowski did.

We hear you, Hoyer.

The post Brian Hoyer Names The Greatest NFL Tight End Of All Time appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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