, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Chase Daniel Warns To Not Count Out 1 NFL Team Next Season
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Chase Daniel Warns To Not Count Out 1 NFL Team Next Season

Chase Daniel #7 of the Los Angeles Chargers reacts after the 27-0 loss to the Seattle Seahawks during the NFL preseason game at Lumen Field on August 28, 2021 in Seattle, Washington.
(Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images)

The Kansas City Chiefs are the best team in the NFL right now.

Anyone who is disputing that claim might not be watching football close enough.

They have won back-to-back Super Bowls and are in search of the league’s first-ever three-peat.

Former Chiefs quarterback Chase Daniel recently appeared on “The Herd” to talk about the Chiefs heading into 2024.

“I’m here for a three-peat, man. You’re crazy if you’re counting out Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid,” Daniel said.

That sounds about right.

This franchise has won eight consecutive AFC West crowns.

They have made the playoffs in 10 of the last 11 seasons.

But, it was Mahomes who truly helped Reid break through and win a Super Bowl.

The two-time MVP is the best quarterback in the league right now.

It would be a bad, bad mistake to doubt both Mahomes and Reid, especially with what they’ve done ever since Mahomes came into the league in 2018.

The team has mad either the AFC Championship Game or the Super Bowl in each of the last six years.

That is how dominant they’ve been.

In fact, when people doubted them on the road in the playoffs, they went into both Buffalo and Baltimore in January and won.

Entering 2024, they appear to be stronger and better than ever before.

If they win the Super Bowl again, no one should be surprised at all.

The post Chase Daniel Warns To Not Count Out 1 NFL Team Next Season appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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