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Video Shows Rashee Rice Back On Practice Field

Wide receiver Rashee Rice #4 of the Kansas City Chiefs makes a catch in warm up against the Las Vegas Raiders at Allegiant Stadium on November 26, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Chiefs defeated the Raiders 31-17.
(Photo by Candice Ward/Getty Images)

The Kansas City Chiefs have the opportunity to do something this coming season that no other team has ever done: win three straight Super Bowl championships.

To do so, they will have to get through an improved AFC, and they also have some internal challenges to overcome.

Their biggest challenge right now is the legal trouble wide receiver Rashee Rice faces in connection with a car crash he was recently involved in.

At least for now, it seems like business as usual for him, as he posted a video of himself practicing running routes on his Instagram account, per Sports Radio 810 WHB.

Rice is reportedly facing eight felony charges stemming from the incident involving his luxury sports car, which he was allegedly racing at the time of the crash.

Some have called for the Chiefs to cut ties with him as a result, but it looks like that won’t be happening, at least for now.

They won their second straight world title and third of the Patrick Mahomes era last season with a makeshift group of young, unproven wide receivers, but Rice emerged as the best of that group, and he may have a chance at stardom if he overcomes his legal charges.

As a rookie in 2023, Rice caught 79 passes and registered 938 yards and seven touchdowns during the regular season, and in four playoff games, he hauled in 26 passes for 262 yards and a touchdown.

If Kansas City is to make it a three-peat this coming season, they will need Rice to continue to emerge and take the next step forward, not to mention beat his felony charges.

The post Video Shows Rashee Rice Back On Practice Field appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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