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How to Make BBQ Ribs on a Gas Grill

Are you hankering for some smoky, delicious ribs, but all you have is a gas grill? No need to worry! Discover how to make BBQ ribs on a gas grill and unleash its full potential.

ribs on a gas grill
ribs on a gas grill

Barbecue involves cooking meats at low temperatures for extended periods in a smoky environment. While gas grills are not known for producing much smoke flavor, it is still possible to make delicious ribs on them. Follow these instructions for the best barbecue method. These steps will yield tender, flavorful ribs that might not win a BBQ competition but will certainly satisfy your appetite.

For this recipe, you will need a single rack of pork spare ribs. If you prefer to use baby back ribs, reduce the cooking time by 5-10 minutes for each step. The total cooking time for spare ribs should take 1 1/2-2 hours. Make sure to use a grill large enough to accommodate an entire rack of ribs over indirect heat. Small, two-burner gas grills will not have sufficient space. If the heat source is on one side only, remember to rotate the ribs every 30 minutes for even cooking.

What you’ll need

How to Make BBQ Ribs on a Gas Grill

1. Preparing the Ribs

  • Rib shape: When selecting ribs, opt for a rectangular shape that is even in width and thickness. When prepping ribs for cooking, trim off any loose pieces of meat and excess pockets of fat. Rib meat contains a lot of marbling, which will help keep it moist on the grill. The outer layers of fat will produce a greasy, unappetizing rib.
  • Removing the membrane: Turn the ribs over, bone side up, and remove the membrane that covers the bones. It is a tough, silver skin that creates a flavor barrier. The best method for removing this slippery tissue is with a blunt knife. Lift it on one end of the rack and grab it with a paper towel to secure it. Now, gently pull the membrane away from the bone. It might take a few attempts to get it all, but you’ll become a pro with practice!

Removing Membrane from Ribs

2. Applying the BBQ Rub

Now, it is time to season the ribs. There are plenty of great bottled rubs available, but making your own is more cost-effective and lets you customize the flavor. I have some excellent rib rub recipes that will help you get started in the right direction.

When applying a rub to ribs, make sure the ribs are dry by patting off any excess moisture with a paper towel. Next, apply a thin coating of mustard or oil before sprinkling the dry rub over the ribs (no rubbing is required). Get the seasonings evenly distributed over the entire rack, focusing most of it on the meat side. What sticks to the ribs is all you need. Avoid over-packing it.

3. Making Smoke

  • Creating smoke on a gas grill can be challenging, especially at low cooking temperatures. However, it is possible.
  • Start by removing the cooking grates that you won’t be using. Doing this will provide access to the burners.
  • Next, take 1/2 cup dry wood chips or chunks (chips produce smoke quickly but short lasting, while chunks burn slower, but produce more smoke) and place them on a square sheet of aluminum foil. Wrap into loose shaped balls.
  • Using a sharp knife, poke the wrapping on all sides. It will allow the smoke to escape.
    Place the smoke bombs over the lit burners on high. Once smoke is produced, reduce the heat and place the ribs on the opposing side.
    Please note that you can also purchase a smoker tube for $10-$20 USD.

Making Gas Grill Smoke Bombs Gas Grill Smoke Bombs

4. Placing the Ribs on a Gas Grill

When cooking the ribs, make sure they are placed on the grill indirectly. None of the racks should hang over a lit burner. Try to space the rack out as evenly as possible. If your grill is large enough, have the burners turned on both sides of the rack. On some grills, the rack will fit over a single burner space. If you have a large gas grill with four burners, place the rack between the two end burners.
The grill should run at a cooking temperature of 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). At this point, the smoke bombs will start producing smoke. Once the ribs are in place, close the lid and let the ribs cook for 30 minutes. Do not lift the lid during this time, unless there is an obvious flare-up inside.

Placing Ribs on Gas Grill on grill with smoke bombs

5. Wrapping the Ribs

After thirty minutes of cooking, the ribs should be warm and appear wet on the surface. They should appear browned on all sides. If not, continue cooking for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. Should the cooking appear uneven, rotate the ribs. When preparing these ribs on a gas grill, note that they won’t develop the same rich bark as meats cooked in a smoker.

Once the ribs are sufficiently browned, it is time to wrap them. This step steams the ribs and keeps them tender.


  1. Place the rack of ribs on a large piece of aluminum foil, large enough to wrap the entire rack.
  2. Lift the edges of the foil and pour one-half cup of warmed apple juice or Competition-Style Butter Bath onto the ribs.
  3. Fold the foil together tightly.
  4. Create an airtight seal to hold in the moisture.

Return ribs to the grill, close the lid, and turn up the heat on the indirect burners so that the temperature reaches roughly 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Keep the lid closed and continue cooking for 30 minutes.

Wrapping Pork Ribs

6. Unwrapping the Ribs on a Gas Grill

At this point, the ribs are almost cooked with the pork ribs internal temp of 165ºF (75ºC). While this is a safe temperature for serving, it isn’t high enough for them to be completely tender and as close to perfect as possible.

Carefully open the foil and examine the ribs. You can test the temperature, but that isn’t conclusive with ribs since the bones will heat faster than the meat. The ribs should appear cooked, and the rack should be relatively loose. Bending the rack of ribs by picking up one end with a pair of tongs will show this. The ribs should bend but not come apart. If the ribs are not cooked, close up the foil and continue cooking for 10 to 15 minutes.

If the ribs appear cooked, remove them from the foil and place them back on the grill. Examine the rack to determine if it needs to be rotated for even cooking. Close the lid and adjust the grill burners to hold a cooking temperature of 250 degrees F (120 degrees C).

Unwrapped Pork Ribs
Unwrapped Pork Ribs

7. Saucing the Ribs

Once the ribs have dried on the surface and cooked to the desired temperature (185 to 190 degrees F), it is time to apply the sauce. If you don’t want sauce on your ribs, remove them and proceed to the last step.
Apply barbecue sauce that has been heated to at least 150 degrees F. A cold sauce will cool the ribs and stall the cooking process. Apply the barbecue sauce in three thin layers. Repeat every five minutes, allowing the sauce to cook into the ribs and thicken. After the last application, close the grill lid and wait five minutes before proceeding.

Saucing Pork Ribs on a Gas Grill
Saucing Pork Ribs

8. Cutting the Ribs

  • Once the gas grill ribs are finished, remove them and turn the grill off.
  • Place the ribs on a clean cutting board. Let them rest for 10 minutes.
    Using a pair of tongs, hold the ribs on their edge, the bone side towards you, and gently slide a sharp knife between each bone. You should be able to see the bones in the rack, making the carving process easier. Do not slide the knife along the edge of the bone, but aim to stay equally between the two adjacent bones. Once cut, serve immediately. We typically serve them right off the cutting board.
  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days, or freeze for up to 6 weeks.

Cutting Pork Ribs

Now that you know how to make BBQ ribs on a gas grill, it’s time to get cooking. Grab all the ingredients and let’s go!

More BBQ Ribs Methods

If you enjoyed this guide on how to make BBQ ribs on a gas grill, then these recipes below might be just what you’re looking for.


How to Make BBQ Ribs on a Gas Grill

Yes, you can make great barbecue ribs on a gas grill. This method takes advantage of the convenience of your gas grill while still giving you smoky, delicious tasting ribs.
Course Main Dish
Cuisine American BBQ
Keyword barbecue ribs, bbq pork ribs, spare ribs recipe
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 3 hours 20 minutes
Servings 3 servings
Calories 908kcal
Author Derrick Riches



  • Prepare ribs by trimming away any loose pieces of fat or meat. Then remove the membrane from the back (bone side) of the rack.
  • Apply the BBQ rub evenly over the entire surface of the rack of ribs. Set aside.
  • Preheat the gas grill to a cooking temperature between 250°F and 300°F. Configure your grill for indirect cooking with enough space for the ribs to cook without direct heat.
  • Prepare smoke packets (see above).
  • Place the ribs on the grill, close the lid and let them cook for 30 to 45 minutes. After this time the ribs should appear damp on the surface and lightly browned.
  • Remove the ribs from the grill and place them on a large piece of aluminum foil. Fold up the side and add the apple juice. Wrap the rack of ribs tightly, keeping the apple juice inside the packet.
  • Return to the grill and increase the temperature to about 375°F. Continue cooking for 30 minutes.
  • Open the foil to expose the ribs. The internal temperature of the meat should be about 165°F. If so, remove the ribs from the foil and replace them on the grill. Reduce the grill temperature to about 250°F. Continued cooking for about 30 minutes.
  • Once the surface of the meat is dry and the ribs and loose and pliable, you can start adding the barbecue sauce (if desired). With the grill still hot, apply three coats of the sauce letting each layer cook into the meat for five minutes.
  • Once done, remove the ribs from the grill. Slice into individual bones and serve.


Calories: 908kcal | Carbohydrates: 43g | Protein: 51g | Fat: 56g | Saturated Fat: 18g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 13g | Monounsaturated Fat: 26g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 243mg | Sodium: 912mg | Potassium: 1420mg | Fiber: 17g | Sugar: 27g | Vitamin A: 814IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | Calcium: 700mg | Iron: 18mg

The post How to Make BBQ Ribs on a Gas Grill appeared first on BBQ & Grilling with Derrick Riches.

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