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Turmeric Chicken Recipe

This Turmeric Chicken Recipe involves soaking chicken pieces (or even an entire chicken) in a turmeric marinade before being slow roasted over a charcoal fire in a grill. The turmeric chicken can be eaten solo although it makes a wonderful accompaniment to our Grilled Romaine Salad with Blue Cheese.

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

What’s all this about Turmeric?

OK, so yeah turmeric is all the rage. There are all sorts of purported health benefits. Turmeric is purported to alleviate such ailments as inflammation, arthritis, anxiety, muscle soreness and kidney issues. Yada yada. I think it tastes good. That and in this Turmeric marinade, with the rest of the ingredients, it’s just plain good eats. So come for the health benefits, stay for the flavor.

Before we go any further, let’s check out some of our favorite chicken recipes:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 teaspoons ground turmeric
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons fresh cracked black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons fresh cracked Szechuan pepper
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons ground cilantro
  • 2 pounds of chicken pieces (we used chicken legs, but it could be wings, thighs, breasts or a whole chicken)

Turmeric Marinade

Combine all the ingredients except the chicken in a bowl and blend thoroughly to make the marinade

Pour the marinade over the chicken parts (or whole chicken) and work the chicken until coated completely:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Refrigerate for 2-24 hours:

The Turmeric marinade will indeed turn the chicken a little orange:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Also, I highly recommend posing with a couple chicken legs for dramatic effect once you remove them from the marinade:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

There may or may not have been a little drumstick dance after that!

Time to Grill

Prepare the grill for two zone grilling with coals on one side and nothing on the other.

When dealing with skin on chicken, there will invariably be flare ups. There needs to be a place to put the pieces of chicken that is not over hot coals when the spouts of fire threaten your eye brows.

In this case, I sparked up my Everdure Hub II:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

The turmeric chicken legs are right at the edge of the hot coals.

Keep flipping and roasting the chicken to brown it up all the way around and crisp the skin:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

And it’s OK if there is a little blackening. Char is good:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Conventional wisdom is that chicken needs to be taken to 165F and it’s done.

That’s true for the breast/white meat. For the legs/thighs/wings we can go up to 175F.

I generally go north of 170F when I do dark meat.

These chicken legs were actually cooked in conjunction with that grilled romaine salad with blue cheese. Pull the chicken when it hits between 165F-175F and then throw the lettuce on the grill.

Finally, combine them to form a deconstructed chicken salad, if you will:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Here’s the step by step, pic by pic, foolproof Grilled Romaine with Blue Cheese Crumbles.

In the meantime, here’s another grilled salad recipe you could use or this grilled kale salad.

I know, I know. It was a thing for a while there and I caved to the kale mob. I’m ashamed.

Turmeric Chicken Recipe Recap:

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Turmeric Chicken Recipe Card:

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

This Turmeric Chicken Recipe involves soaking chicken pieces (or even an entire chicken) in a turmeric marinade before being slow roasted over a charcoal fire
Course Entree, Grilled Chicken, Main Course
Cuisine American, American Fare, Barbecue, BBQ, Chicken, Chicken Legs, Grilled Chicken
Keyword Blue Cheese, Chicken Legs, Chicken Salad, Grilled Chicken, Grilled Chicken Legs, Grilled Chicken Pinwheels, Grilled Romaine, Grilled Romaine Salad, Grilled Romaine Salad with Blue Cheese, Grilled Salad, Marinade, Marinate, Marinated, Salad with Blue Cheese, Turmeric, Turmeric Chicken, Turmeric Marinade, Turmeric Marinated Chicken
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Resting Time 5 minutes
Servings 6 People


  • 2 teaspoons Ground turmeric
  • 2 teaspoons Ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon Olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons Fresh cracked black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons Fresh cracked Szechuan pepper
  • 1.5 teaspoons Salt
  • 2 teaspoons Ground cilantro
  • 2 pounds Chicken pieces We used chicken legs, but it could be wings,thighs, breasts or a whole chicken


  • Combine all the ingredients except the chicken in a bowl and blend completely
  • Place the chicken in a resealable plastic bag and pour the turmeric marinade over the top. Work the marinade to cover the chicken completely. Refrigerate for 2-24 hours
  • Prepare the grill for two zone grilling with coals on one side and nothing on the other. Target temp at the grill grates is medium high (400F +/-50F).
  • Place the chicken just off the edge of the hot coals and allow to brown. Keep rotating and moving chicken around to both avoid flare ups and until the chicken has some char all the way around. Once the chicken reaches 165F internal remove from the heat and allow to rest.
  • Optional - While the chicken rests, char the romaine to make the grilled romaine salad with blue cheese
  • After 4-5 minutes of rest, serve the chicken with the optional salad


Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

Turmeric Chicken Recipe

The post Turmeric Chicken Recipe first appeared on GrillinFools.

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