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How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Spiders are a common nuisance in basements and their presence can be unsettling for homeowners and tenants alike. Whether you want to prevent spiders from entering your basement, or you are currently dealing with an infestation, it’s vital to address spiders before this minor inconvenience leads to a much bigger, more serious problem.

In this article, the basement experts at Harmony Basements will discuss why spiders infiltrate basements, common types of basement spiders, safe and effective methods to eliminate spiders, long-term prevention strategies, when it’s best to call a professional to get rid of spiders in the basement, and so much more!

Why Spiders Choose Basements

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Spiders are among the most common household pests, and because they can thrive in damp, dark environments, they often find their way into basements. Typically, the lowest point in a home is the basement, and they tend to be cooler, darker, and more humid than other parts of the house. These conditions make basements the prime location for spiders to settle in.

Before you start taking action to solve how to get rid of spiders in the house, it’s important to identify the species you’re dealing with. The three most common types of spiders found in basements are Yellow Sac Spiders, Wolf Spiders and House Spiders.

Identifying Common Basement Spiders

  • Yellow Sac Spiders: They are also known as Black Footed Spiders, identifiable by their yellowish or pale beige color, inhabit Toronto homes and gardens. These adult spiders can range in size from 1/4 to 3/8 inches. They hunt at night and hide in silk sacs by day. Bites can cause discomfort, including pain and swelling, but are not dangerous. Controlling their presence involves minimizing indoor clutter and sealing entryways.
  • Wolf Spiders: These large, hairy spiders have eight eyes arranged in three rows and may be black, brown, or gray in colour. Wolf spiders can run very quickly and range in size from ¼ to 1 inch in length. The bite of a wolf spider is usually not dangerous but can however cause mild pain and swelling.
  • House Spider: These spiders are often spotted for their dirty white, V-shaped pattern on their body. They can be yellowish-brown to dark brown in colour, and are generally small, measuring between 1/8 and 5/16 inches in length. The bite of a house spider is harmless, though it is their webs that you want to control before they become a nuisance.

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Safe and Effective Removal Methods

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Here are three safe and effective removal methods so you know how to get rid of spiders in basement.

Check out ceilings, corners, and other hiding spots to reach spiders and their webs. While using a spider-catching tool, a long broom, or an extended vacuum hose, make sure to wear long enough clothing and gloves to protect yourself from potential bites.

Regularly vacuum your basement, focusing on corners, crevices, and other areas where spiders may hide. Vacuuming can not only remove spiders, but also webs and egg sacs. To prevent the spiders from coming back inside, remember to empty the vacuum cleaner bag or canister outdoors, away from your home.

In instances of severe infestations, consider using a spider-killing aerosol or a residual insecticide spray. Apply the spray to corners, baseboards, windowsills, and other areas where spiders may be hiding. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions.

Seek out a professional pest control service if your spider infestation is severe or you’re dealing with venomous species. Experts know how to prevent spiders and future infestations from occurring.

Natural Repellents and Deterrents

Wondering what keeps spiders away? Increase your chances of successfully eliminating and controlling spiders in your basement by implementing a combination of the following methods:

Many spiders are repelled by certain essential oils, including eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender. Grab a spray bottle and mix a few drops of essential oil with water, then apply the solution to areas where spiders are likely to enter, such as around windows and door frames.

For an effective, natural spider repellent, create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Spray this solution in corners, along baseboards, and on windowsills to deter spiders.

Placing citrus peels, such as orange or lemon, in common areas where spiders reside can help keep them away. To maintain their effectiveness, replace the peels every few days.

Continue using these natural repellent strategies to address how to keep spiders out of your basement and regularly monitor your space until you no longer see any signs of spider activity.

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Long-Term Prevention Strategies

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Help maintain a spider-free environment and avoid dealing with a recurring spider problem by implementing these long-term prevention strategies:

Thoroughly inspect your basement for any cracks, gaps, and openings that could serve as entry points for spiders including doors and windows. Seal any openings with weatherstripping, caulking, or expandable foam to block spiders from getting inside and answering how to keep spiders away permanently.

Spaces that are cluttered make spiders more likely to inhabit. These messy areas provide hiding spots and easy access for spiders to prey. To minimize potential hiding places, try to keep your basement clean and well-organized. Regularly vacuum, dust, and sweep, focusing on corners, crevices, and other areas where spiders may hide. You’ll discourage spiders from taking up residence by maintaining a clean basement.

Spiders and their prey are attracted to the damp, humid nature of a basement environment. Fixing any leaks and addressing moisture problems can also help to create a less hospitable environment for spiders.

When to Call a Professional

There are only two types of black widow spiders that are venomous in Toronto and are rarely found in homes. Having a few spiders in your home is not dangerous to your health – in fact they are your natural pest control to minimize smaller insects and diseases.

If you notice the presence of more spiders, you could have a spider infestation. It’s best to contact professional help for how to get rid of spiders in the basement right away.

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Enhancing Spider Prevention Through Basement Renovation

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Look into specific renovation projects, such as improved flooring or wall finishes, to increase your chances of deterring spiders from entering your basement. Professional basement waterproofing can prevent spider-friendly environments.

Upgrade your basement windows and doors for better sealing and reduced spider entry points. Even smart home systems offer better monitoring and can provide you the option to control the conditions of your house once you know what keeps spiders away.

Ready To Get Rid Of Spiders In The Basement Properly?

It’s important to regularly inspect your basement for signs of spider activity. Early detection and intervention can be the difference between a minor spider issue and a full-blown infestation. By implementing the prevention strategies discussed in this article, you can effectively get rid of spiders in the basement and prevent future infestations. Remember to also maintain a clean, well-sealed space to keep spiders at bay and enjoy a comfortable, spider-free environment. If you are looking to enhance spider prevention through basement renovations, contact us here at Harmony Basements today!

The post How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement appeared first on Harmony Basements.
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