Most guys think women only notice men with the looks of Brad Pitt, biceps the size of Texas and more money than Jeff Bezos.
But this isn't true. If you nail that first impression when you walk in a room women will easily notice you. That's why in this article I'm going to give you the ten things a woman notices about a man first.
Take note because after you've read this article getting to know a woman will be infinitely easier.
#1 Women Notice Your Face
No debates here. If you keep your face in its best form – it means you're taking great care of yourself.
Do you need a super handsome face? Nope! Not all of us are born with the Hollywood movie star look. If women only wanted that, there'd be a huge surplus of single men on this planet!
What you really need are good grooming habits. You want to show the ladies your well-maintained facial hair (whether it's short stubble or a full-grown beard).
Or maybe you prefer a clean-shaven look – just make sure there are no post-shave bumps or red marks plaguing your face.
And then there's the skin itself. Some guys still think they are ‘too manly' for skincare. They wait for an acne outbreak or pain issue before seeking treatment.
The truth is, it's every man's responsibility to find the right lotion, cleanser or anti-aging cream to keep his skin healthy 24/7.
#2 Women Notice Your Smile
The most important part of your face is so valuable it's worth talking about separately.
A captivating smile is a “welcome” sign that you're waving from afar in a woman's direction.
Combine that smile with seductive eye contact and a confident posture? You're well on your way to impressing a woman.
Your smile can also be a hindrance if the teeth are noticeably dirty. Or worse… discolored! That's why you need to watch out for:
- Stains from drinking lots of coffee, tea or wine (see your dentist every 3-4 months).
- Stains from smoking (as if there aren't enough reasons to quit smoking).
- Too much fluoride from certain toothpaste brands or environmental sources (e.g. water) can darken your teeth.
- Teeth as you age – the outer layer of enamel wears out over time and starts revealing the natural yellow color (of the inner layer of dentin). You may want to consider some teeth-whitening products at home when you're older.
#3 Women Notice Your Silhouette

Here the term silhouette refers to the outline of your body PLUS your clothing. Women are unsurprisingly drawn to a hyper-masculine silhouette:
- A built-up chest.
- Lean torso.
- Strong shoulders.
For those of us without the body of Adonis, what is the easiest way of getting this look? A suit jacket or blazer.
There are many types of suit jackets and it's important you find the right one for your body shape. The sack-cut suit is very common in America because it is affordable to produce and fits over most men. It is not the fit that will make you look your best though.
A structured jacket adds subtle padding to the wearer's shoulders, making them appear larger and broader. A fitted jacket tapers towards the middle to give the wearer the appearance of a leaner torso.
Just be careful to avoid a fit that is too tight in the search for a flattering jacket. A jacket should drape gently over your shirt and body. If a jacket creates an X-shaped crease when buttoned you have gone too far.
The same principle applies when matching trousers with your jacket. Avoid skinny trousers and jeans – they create an unattractive ‘matchstick' silhouette that signals a lack of muscle. Swap them for slim-fit or subtly tapering cuts that create a muscular but lean silhouette.
#4 Women Notice Your Style

We are taught growing up never to judge a book by its cover. The truth is though, women (and men for that matter) make judgments and assumptions based on what you wear.
Don't underestimate the power of nailing the 3 core components of dressing well – ever.
Also consider what your clothes say about your status, lifestyle and personality. Make an effort to choose clothes that send positive messages like maturity, sophistication and passion.
Women seeking a long-term partner are attracted to men who can be good providers – so knowing how to dress like a grown man helps if you're looking to settle down.
#5 Women Notice The Details
Sure. You may initially impress with a well-fitted blazer and slacks. But if those are the only elements you work on – you won't get far.
Any man who understands the laws of men's style can find good shirts, jackets, and pants
#6 Women Notice Your Mannerisms

Picture yourself as a contestant on The Bachelorette. You step out of the limo on Day 1 with all the guys. Your bachelorette is waiting by the mansion door.
You're all on an even playing field appearance-wise, so what can you do to instantly get noticed?
Nail the greeting. This small act sets the tone for everything else that follows.
- Offer a firm handshake.
- Make solid eye contact.
- Smile!
Communicate to a woman that you are giving her your full attention.
Take just a few seconds to acknowledge her presence. Make her believe you're invested in courting her.
OK, so chances are you're not a reality show contestant. It's the same principle in real life though: greet a woman poorly or have bad manners and you've immediately dug yourself a hole.
Showing a disregard for others' feelings or basic courtesy might seem like a small issue to you. Women quickly pick up on these things though and assume you're a loose cannon.
What are some examples of bad manners?
- Forget about your phone and other distractions. Keep your cell in your pocket.
- Arrive early. Aiming to arrive exactly on time is a recipe for being late.
- Go easy on cursing and foul language.
- Avoid constantly interrupting. Don't cut a woman off in the middle of saying something.
- Meeting a woman online? Don't say anything you wouldn't say in real life.
#7 Women Notice Your Hands
What good is a handshake if your hands look like you've been digging through garbage? Always wash your hands and take care of your nails before an event. Even better, build it into your daily routine.
Otherwise – you can come off as neglectful, unhygienic or even ‘poorly raised' (making your parents look bad).
Let's not forget about dry hands with cracked skin! Should you use hand lotion? The natural oil your body produces normally keeps your skin supple. If your hands have a lack of natural oil I strongly suggest you regularly apply a hand lotion or cream. No woman wants her man to have hands covered with calluses.
#8 Women Notice Your Fragrance

You can nail every other category on this list – but none of them will count for anything if a woman doesn't like how you smell.
Most men settle for using deodorant to keep their smell ‘neutral'… but why not go one step further and smell GREAT?
It's no mystery. Studies prove that smelling great and wearing cologne makes you more attractive to women.
Get into the habit of routinely wearing a fragrance.
TIP: Learn how to apply cologne to avoid over-spraying and smelling like a biohazard.
#9 Women Notice Your Voice & Language
Yep. Women care about what they're going to hear from you.
This time you can't throw money at the problem. Even the most expensive jacket and fragrance won't make you a smooth talker.
So what do you do?
It's about self-development. Expand your knowledge and vocabulary. Set yourself apart from guys who always talk like they're at a football game.
The next step is to read quality books. Click here to discover ten books every man should own. Find books that go deep into enriching topics (not just entertain you) – and help you grow as a person.
You're aiming to show women you're relatable, that there is no ‘intellectual barrier' between the two of you. How enthusiastic you sound and whether you say “No” or “I've heard of that” when she mentions a topic – all these factors come into play.
Learn how to speak in an engaging way once you know what you are talking about. It comes easier to some than others but there are techniques you can learn. Use your voice in a way that grabs a woman's attention and makes them eager to listen.
Who knows? With a little rhythm and use of your diaphragm – you may end up with a deep and booming voice like Neil deGrasse Tyson. That will definitely intrigue a few women!
#10 Women Notice Your Body Language
Actions speak louder than words.
Fun as it might be to talk knowledgeably and engagingly – don't forget what your non-verbal communication is saying. Like your voice, body language can be more powerful than whatever clothes you are wearing.
Avoid any closed-off, negative or aggressive gestures that can catch a lady off guard. Particularly if a woman is getting to know you, even a subtle finger wag or angled neck can make the wrong first impression. Remind yourself every now and then to keep your arms unfolded.
Over time understand how men can use body language to signal positivity and openness all the time. It will take practice and a conscious effort at first but before you know it you'll be using positive body language without realizing it.
TIP: Do NOT clench your fists in front of a woman (as if you're about to punch someone!) You're probably stronger than her – so why make yourself more intimidating?
BONUS: Women Notice Your Attitude/Personality
Some important points regarding attitude that you ought to take note of:
- Women do perceive some men as ‘douchebags' unfortunately and it often stems from try-hard macho male behavior. One-upping people, wrecking someone's home you've been invited to and taking your shirt off at every opportunity might have been cool when you were a frat bro. However, grown-up women want a grown-up man. This kind of attitude sends a negative vibe regardless of how nice you are in actual conversation.
- What you find funny tells women a lot about your attitude in general. You may not think about what your sense of humor says about you but there are different advantages to using ‘positive' humor (using optimism, puns or wittiness) versus ‘negative' humor (being sarcastic or self-disparaging).
- Be a ‘nice guy' to start a serious relationship! Some women might want a fling with a bad boy but that's all it will be. Have good manners and show maturity if you're searching for your soulmate.
Click below to watch the video – 11 Unusual Traits Women Find Surprisingly Attractive
The post 10 Things Women Notice First In A Man appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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