, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Steal Alert: Half off Huckberry Beanies, All Weather Duckboots, and Wool Slipper Boots
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Steal Alert: Half off Huckberry Beanies, All Weather Duckboots, and Wool Slipper Boots

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It’s not even February yet but the Huckberry folks seem to be tired of looking around their warehouse at hats, wool slippers, and waterproof boots. Which is great for those of us who live in the vast swath of the Northern Hemisphere where it’s going to be very “weathery” for the next three months, even if it is an on again/off again mix of sun/sleet/rain/ice and/or frogs. Yes, frogs.

The extra nice thing is that these hats, slippers, and duckboots are great for late winter/early spring. The hats aren’t overly weighty and they breathe well. Same goes for the slipper boots (as they’re made of wool.) And the Duckboots aren’t some shin swallowing Sorels or Bogs. They’re part high-top sneaker, part duckboot, all weather-proof.

Anyway, thus follows the quick picks and links to our in-person reviews where applicable:

[TAG13] ($30)


Flat out terrific. Japanese fabric is just the right weight. It also feels good and strong. Sometimes beanies can look good but then slouch and/or shrink. Not these things. Price is nice and affordable too. 9 colors to pick from. These are workhorses. Not too bulky, not itchy, not paper thin. Just right. Fifteen bucks is, frankly, great.

[TAG15] ($108)

Greys Outdoor Slipper Boots

As low a price as I think these have ever gone for? Full review from our shoe expert Adam can be found here. An incredible at home slipper/shoe/hybrid-thingy. A few different colors and even upper materials to pick from, but the OG gray wool version shown above is what most of us will want. And enjoy.

[TAG18] ($188)

slipper boots

Serious comfort. Classic but still modern looks. (How the heck did they do that?) Waterproof. Ready for the rest of winter as well as the mess that is late winter/early spring weather. Full review can be found here.

Note that free outbound shipping won’t kick in until $98, but everything should return for free if it shows up and it’s not to your liking.

Stay warm. Stay dry.

That’s all.

Carry on.


Matilda reluctantly models the Huckberry Beanie in “Cobalt Blue.”
Don’t worry, she’s anything but overworked.
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