, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Dappered Gift Guide for Last Minute Gifts
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The Dappered Gift Guide for Last Minute Gifts

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Welcome to crunch time. Christmas is this weekend, and if you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re running out of time to find something for your pal, brother, co-worker, boyfriend, husband, or someone else who likes style that gravitates towards the classic, masculine end. The good news is that it’s not too late, even if you’re shopping for someone who puts more effort into his appearance compared to the general dude-public. All picks & suggestions below should be easy-ish to source locally (barring living in the middle of nowhere… been there. I know.) or should ship fast enough. Happy Holidays, and good luck! 


good sense of style

Just make sure that the watch is being fulfilled by Amazon and it’s tagged as an item that “arrives before Christmas.” You should see that note somewhere below the price but above the “add to cart” button. And as items move/sell out, Amazon’s robots will shift the seller to someone who isn’t fulfilled by Amazon. And thus, shipping times get extended, greatly. So be careful here.

A gift certificate for a break on the weekend

Man walking dogs

This could take the form of dog walker, a mobile car detailer, a yard service, a handyman repair. Think of the chores he normally tackles on the weekend, and pay to have someone else take care of that chore for a weekend. Even if he genuinely LIKES doing these chores (like dog walking or cleaning or DIY fixer-upper stuff), give him the gift of time that he can use for, y’know… something else. Even if it’s tackling another chore he’s been meaning to get to. Photo via Merritt Thomas on Unsplash.


Bespoke Post Frontier box

The world has come a long way since the Jelly of the Month Club. There’s only about 8.5 trillion of these services around now, and many of them are targeted towards guys who appreciate style and actually put some effort into their appearance. The Google shall help you, but it’s tough to go wrong with Bespoke Post. They’re (obviously) a favorite around these parts, and opting out of any boxes you don’t want is super easy. Shown above is the popular “Frontier” box.

The Slightly Unexpected Bottle of Booze

Last Minute Gifts

Ah yes. A trip to the liquor store. Sorta feels like a cop-out, but if you’ve got an imbiber on your list, it’s always appreciated. Especially if you go off the beaten path just a bit. If he drinks gin, try gifting a bottle of Old Tom style. If he drinks Scotch, look for something that’s aged a bit differently (say, in rum casks). If he’s a whiskey guy, try rye. And we’ve got suggestions. Go to the store, poke around, and ask questions as long as the employees aren’t drowning under a holiday rush.

A (stylish) movie night

Set up a movie night/afternoon matinee/post brunch couch trip. Unless you’re knee deep in family obligations, Christmas day can start to be a bit of a yawner by mid-afternoon. So get them a movie. Make some cocktails. Curl up on the couch and soak it up. Wrap up one of his favorite beers or drinks, and a bag of popcorn, and hit the couch. Whether it’s a newer release, or a real classic.

A gift certificate to his tailor

short on time

Because there’s always something that could fit a little better, be it a shirt, a suit, or even that new topcoat he picked up this year.

A book (possibly with well dressed characters)

good sense of style

What’s his favorite genre? Does he have a favorite set of movies (like the Bond flicks) based on books? Does he have any particular interests (politics, playing the guitar, basketball) that have been written about by legends? Hit your local book shop (used or otherwise), and try to dig up a classic that would fit his tastes. Books are functional art. They look great on the shelf, and re-reading a favorite during these cold and dark months is a terrific, very much NOT guilty pleasure.

A quality shave and/or haircut

A quality shave and/or haircut

“Pamper” and “guys” don’t really go all that well together. But this is about as close as we get. If he doesn’t have a regular barber, or if he does and said person doesn’t offer shaves, get him a gift certificate to send him to a place that does just that. Ask around though. Last thing you want is to send the recipient to a place that’ll hack his face to bits.

Surprise him with a decadent brunch

Last Minute Gifts

If you spend Christmas morning at home, and he’s a foodie, consider a super decadent brunch. Have his breakfast favorites a plenty, but step it all up in quality. If he likes to drink with brunch, start him with a hot or cold coffee cocktail. If you’re making scrambled eggs, an easy way to add decadence is to use cream instead of milk, and cook them up in butter. Splurge on high quality, thick cut bacon from a butcher. Waffles can be kicked up a notch with an impressive offering of toppings, and high quality maple syrup. You could even make the butter a bit more decadent. Have a starter fruit and cheese board. Offer a build your own mimosa or Bloody Mary bar. You can make it as simple or complicated as you want, but one thing’s for sure; it’ll be a jolly way to start the day. And then allow him the grace of a food coma and nap. (Photo above by Cera on Unsplash)

A scarf

short on time

Fair trade shops. Local knitters. Even Whole Foods carries scarves this time of year, often made from nice materials and knit by artisans from across the globe. And scarves are a necessity if he likes topcoats, peacoats, etc. It might be little late to get those needles clacking, but I’ve had three scarves personally knit for me as gifts over the years, and each of them are incredibly meaningful. If you’re a knitter or you know one, maybe make a plan for next year. Figure out his favorite colors. Pick out some nice wool yarn. But for this year and for last minute, try local shops, holiday fairs, etc.

Something Vintage

short on time

Just a warning that this could be a time wasting wild goose chase. Or you could find something terrific, like the money clip shown above. Probably only best executed by season resale/thrift/vintage shop goers, who are really familiar with their recipient’s style.


short on time

Does he gravitate towards landscapes? Retro looking stuff? Portraits? Architecture? Lighthouses? Bears wearing funny little hats? Seems like a lot of restaurants and coffee houses have local artists on display with originals and prints ready to buy. Doesn’t have to be some ritzy gallery mega-piece that costs a fortune. And it doesn’t even have to be something to hang on the wall. Think sculpture, ceramics, etc.

Gift certificates to get his shoes shined

good sense of style

If you’ve got a cobbler in your city, drop in and see if they offer gift certificates for shoe shines. Yes plenty of guys actually like the process of shining their own shoes (it’s a bit like washing a nice car), but every so often it’s nice to just hand them over to the pros.

Something to support his 2024 resolutions

short on time

If you have enough information about his 2024 goals or resolutions, is there something you can source for him that will support said goals? If the goal is fitness, you can go with workout gear, a few months covered at his gym or a few sessions with a trainer, or a gift card to a restaurant all about healthy food options. If he’s trying to focus his mental energy on things that matter, then maybe a book like this is a solid choice. Maybe he has the goal of keeping his physical space cleaner. See if there are any minimalist or clutter coaches in your area that you can buy a few sessions from or a program for him. Whatever his goals are, put your thinking cap on and either find something locally to support it, or rely on Amazon to get something shipped to you fast.


Last Minute Gifts

For those who own more than a watch or two. Again, sourced on Amazon but be very, very sure it says “arrives before Christmas.” Shown above is the Holme & Hadfield 4 watch display case. Drawer allows you to store any every-day-carry accessories you might want to keep out of the way and organized.

For the couples: Dinner out, with you wearing that thing he likes

Last Minute Gifts

Go get a gift certificate for dinner out at his favorite spot. Doesn’t have to be something super fancy, just his favorite place that also allows him to wear some of his favorite clothes. If you’re so inclined, take a selfie of yourself wearing that outfit he’s complimented you on a million times, and wrap up that pic with the gift card. All too often there has to be a special occasion to get dressed up and head out for a fun night on the town. Doesn’t have to be his birthday or an anniversary this year. It’s just a well thought out Christmas gift, and he can cash it in at a later date.

Need more ideas or want to test the limits of shipping speeds this time of year? Here’s a few more options from us:
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