, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Joy Taylor Says 1 Veteran QB Should Be Paid ‘As Soon As Possible’
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Joy Taylor Says 1 Veteran QB Should Be Paid ‘As Soon As Possible’

A general view of the pitch prior to the NFL match between Miami Dolphins and Kansas City Chiefs at Deutsche Bank Park on November 05, 2023 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
(Photo by Alex Grimm/Getty Images)

A year ago, the Jacksonville Jaguars looked to be a team on the rise after finishing the 2022 season with a big surge and reaching the divisional round of the NFL playoffs.

Starting quarterback Trevor Lawrence is entering the final two years of his contract, which means that pretty soon he will need to be given an extension if the Jaguars feel he is their franchise signal-caller.

Based on some contracts given out to star quarterbacks lately, $50 million a year seems to be the market value of such players, and thus Jacksonville is reportedly preparing to give Lawrence that type of extension.

Joy Taylor said on FS1’s “Speak” that they should pay him that kind of money “as soon as possible.”

If 2022 was a bull run for Lawrence and the Jaguars, 2023 was something of a market correction for them.

Lawrence’s numbers fell a bit, and the team couldn’t improve on its 9-8 record from 2022 and ended up missing the playoffs.

The team lost wide receiver Calvin Ridley this offseason, but signed Gabriel Davis in an attempt to fill that void.

Yet it doesn’t appear as if Christian Kirk has what it takes to be their No. 1 wideout, which means the Jaguars still have a ways to go to become a true contender.

Defensively, the Jaguars did add defensive lineman Arik Armstead in free agency.

Even if they’re far from contending for the Vince Lombardi Trophy, getting Lawrence to commit to a long-term extension could be the next big step toward being able to do so in the near future.

The post Joy Taylor Says 1 Veteran QB Should Be Paid ‘As Soon As Possible’ appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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