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NFL Rookie Is Going Viral For Comments About His Own Mother

DETROIT, MICHIGAN - APRIL 27: A detail of the NFL logo for the 2024 NFL draft during round four of the 2024 NFL draft at Campus Martius Park and Hart Plaza on April 27, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan.
(Photo by Nic Antaya/Getty Images)

Every single year, it seems that there is a player or two who comes into the league through the NFL Draft and is not afraid to say anything while regularly making bold statements.

This year, it appears that the player is Detroit Lions rookie cornerback Terrion Arnold, who has yet to play a down in the NFL but has already made a name for himself as someone who isn’t afraid to say anything when a microphone is in front of him.

Along with recently saying the Las Vegas Raiders used a coin flip to pick tight end Brock Bowers over him with the No. 13 overall pick in the 2024 NFL Draft, Arnold has also said something that is controversial, even if he meant it as a joke ahead of Mother’s Day.

Apparently, Arnold’s mother wouldn’t stand a chance against him on the football field if she played the wide receiver position, as he’d show no mercy to her.

According to Nolan Bianchi of The Detroit News, Arnold would jam his mother in the dirt if she played the wide receiver position against him.

“If my mom was a receiver, I’d jam her into the dirt, and she knows that,” Arnold said.

Along with being a team on the rise in the NFL, the Lions also have a player who could be pure entertainment whenever he has to speak to the media or conduct interviews off the football field.

Arnold was widely considered to be arguably the best cornerback in the draft and seems to not lack confidence in any way, shape, or form.

The post NFL Rookie Is Going Viral For Comments About His Own Mother appeared first on The Cold Wire.