, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Video Shows Raiders Fans Trolling Patrick Mahomes While On Vacation
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Video Shows Raiders Fans Trolling Patrick Mahomes While On Vacation

Patrick Mahomes #15 of the Kansas City Chiefs speaks to the press during Chiefs Mini Camp on June 15, 2023 at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri
(Photo by Kyle Rivas/Getty Images)

The Las Vegas Raiders ended the 2023 NFL season on a high note, finishing with a 5-4 record with interim head coach Antonio Pierce who was eventually promoted to the position permanently.

Under Pierce, the Raiders showed a renewed sense of toughness, physicality and joy on the field and that should serve them well when their 2024 NFL campaign kicks off later this year.

Las Vegas will be busy the next week preparing for the 2024 NFL Draft where they’ll have a chance to draft some impact players.

The Raiders still need a long-term answer at quarterback, but the roster’s got some real talent on both sides of the field to make some noise next season.

However, looming in the AFC West is the reigning Super Bowl champions the Kansas City Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes.

Mahomes has been the boogeyman for the silver and black which is likely why he and his wife ran into hecklers during their vacation via TMZ Sports.

Mahomes and his wife can be seen walking through a restaurant where several people off camera can be heard chanting “Raiders!”

While it’s great for the organization to hear how passionate their fans can be, the truth of the matter is that the team needs to do more on the field to prove that they’re worth the Chiefs’ attention.

There’s no denying that Las Vegas is in a much better position to win games now than they were last year, but they’ll still need to go out and show that to the rest of the league.

The post Video Shows Raiders Fans Trolling Patrick Mahomes While On Vacation appeared first on The Cold Wire.