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10 Best Cuts of Beef for Grilling a Perfect Steak

Summer is synonymous with sizzling barbeques and the unmistakable aroma of grilled goodness. But when it comes to crafting the perfect cookout, selecting the right cuts of beef for grilling is paramount. Fear not grilling enthusiasts. Today, we’ll delve into the world of cuts of beef for grilling, unveiling some of the finest options guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds and become the star of your next backyard bash. 

Whether you’re a seasoned grill master or a curious newcomer eager to explore the world of cuts of beef for grilling, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to the juiciest, most flavorful cuts. So, grab your tongs, fire up the grill, and get ready to embark on a delicious adventure through the world of perfectly grilled beef. 

Choosing the right cut of beef for grilling depends on your priorities – whether you want something that’s luxuriously tender, flavorful, budget-friendly or a good option for fajitas. Here are some of the most popular cuts: 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Rib-Eye Steak 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling_ Rib-Eye Steak

Ribeye steak, a grilling enthusiast’s dream, is a boneless cut from the upper rib cage area of the cow. This lightly used muscle translates to melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Abundant marbling, those thin streaks of fat within the meat, imbues the ribeye with rich flavor and keeps it juicy during the quick, high heat cooking it excels at. Whether seared on a grill or pan-fried, ribeye’s internal fat renders beautifully, leaving you with a perfectly cooked, flavorful steak. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: New York Strip Steak

The New York Strip Steak, a.k.a. Kansas City Strip, is a juicy and flavorful cut prized by grillers. This boneless steak comes from the tender short loin of the cow and boasts a beautiful, marbled texture. Its moderate fat content keeps it moist while grilling and delivers a rich taste. New York Strips are typically cooked quickly over high heat to sear a delicious crust on the outside while achieving your preferred level of doneness in the center. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: T-Bone Steak 
Cuts of Beef for Grilling_ T-Bone Steak

T-bone steaks are prized for their two distinct cuts in one: a tender filet mignon on one side of the T-shaped bone and a larger, flavorful strip steak on the other. This allows you to enjoy both the buttery tenderness of the filet and the robust richness of the strip within the same bite. Ideally suited for grilling due to its thickness and minimal fat, a perfectly cooked T-bone steak boasts a juicy interior and a satisfyingly charred crust. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Porterhouse Steak 

The king of steaks, a porterhouse, is a luxurious cut boasting two prized areas in one. It’s a thick cut from the short loin, featuring a generous portion of the ultra-tender filet mignon on one side and a flavorful New York strip steak on the other, separated by a T-bone shaped bone. This double dose of deliciousness makes it perfect for grilling – sear it for a crispy crust, then cook it to your desired doneness, savoring the juicy contrast between the melt-in-your-mouth filet and the robustly rich strip. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Flank Steak 
Cuts of Beef for Grilling_ Flank Steak

Flank steak is a lean, flavorful cut ideal for grilling. This long, flat muscle from the cow’s abdomen is packed with beefy taste but can be chewy. To achieve tender, juicy results, marinating is key. Marinate your flank steak for several hours, then grill it quickly over high heat searing the exterior while keeping the inside medium-rare. Remember to slice thinly against the grain for the most enjoyable eating experience. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Skirt Steak 
Cuts of Beef for Grilling_ Skirt Steak

Skirt steak is a thin, flavorful cut ideal for quick grilling. Due to its leanness and tenderness, it’s best cooked fast over high heat to a juicy medium-rare. Marinades or rubs can add extra punch, but a simple seasoning of salt and pepper works too. Grill for 3-4 minutes per side, then slice thinly against the grain for maximum tenderness – this shortens the chewy fibers. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Tri-Tip Roast 
Cuts of Beef for Grilling_ Tri-Tip Roast

Tri-tip roast is a triangular cut of beef from the bottom sirloin, prized for its juicy tenderness when grilled. This budget-friendly steak boasts rich flavor and cooks quickly due to its leanness. Its triangular shape means you can achieve different doneness levels throughout the roast, perfect for pleasing a crowd. Marinate or season generously, then grill over high heat for a delicious main course. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Tenderloin Steaks 

Tenderloin steaks, known for their melt-in-your-mouth texture, are a grilling challenge. These lean, boneless cuts from the beef’s center lack marbling for heat protection. Grilling them requires high heat searing to lock in juices followed by indirect heat to avoid drying out the meat. Thin steaks cook quickly, reaching medium-rare in minutes, while thicker cuts benefit from a reverse sear – preheating in the oven for even cooking before a quick sear on the grill. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Flat-Iron Steaks 

Flat iron steaks are tender, flavorful cuts prized by grillers for their affordability and versatility. Despite coming from the cow’s shoulder, they rival pricier cuts in tenderness. Packed with beefy flavor and marbling, flat irons cook quickly over high heat, requiring only a good sear to achieve juicy perfection. They can be marinated for extra depth or seasoned simply with salt and pepper. This budget-friendly steak is a delicious option for any grilling enthusiast. 

Cuts of Beef for Grilling: Top Sirloin Steaks 

Grilling top sirloin steaks is a great way to enjoy a flavorful and juicy cut of beef. To get started, preheat your grill for high heat and season the steaks generously with salt and pepper. Sear them for a few minutes per side to create a nice crust, then move them to a cooler zone of the grill to finish cooking. Use a meat thermometer to ensure your desired doneness, around 130°F for medium-rare. Finally, let the steaks rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to redistribute before slicing and serving. 


The world of grilling beef offers something for everyone, from budget-friendly cuts to luxurious steaks. Whether you prefer melt-in-your-mouth tenderness or bold, beefy flavor, there’s a perfect cut waiting to be seared. So, fire up the grill, grab your favorite cut, and get ready to enjoy a delicious grilled beef meal. 

The post 10 Best Cuts of Beef for Grilling a Perfect Steak appeared first on Extraordinary BBQ.

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