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Cornbread Cowboy Casserole

It might not be casserole season, but this sweet and savory cornbread cowboy casserole is the perfect weeknight meal that everyone will enjoy. Summer, fall, winter or spring, enjoy it all year round. You will not have anyone complaining. Savory ground beef, mixed with veggies all topped with a sweet cornbread mix. Simply yum! One pan meal ready in minutes.

Cornbread Cowboy Casserole

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

Cornbread Cowboy Casserole

Since this is a one pan meal, start by getting all the ingredients prepped, sautéed and ready to mix.

Starting off with the veggies, I used a red bell pepper, yellow onion and minced garlic. Alternative veggies include carrots or hot peppers. It’s all up to you.

Bring the grill to a high direct heat. Stove top and oven will work just as well. Heat up the cast iron skillet, melt some beef tallow or add olive oil. Add the chopped veggies and sauté until they are soft in texture.

Remove the veggies from the skillet and add in the ground beef. Place the entire beef block onto the skillet to build a crust on the bottom. Season with Dad’s Taco Seasoning and start to break apart the ground beef block. Continue turning until the meat is fully cooked.

Recipe Tip

Leaner alternatives for ground beef are ground chicken, turkey or pork. Adjust based on your dietary preferences.

Cornbread Cowboy Casserole

Dad’s Seasonings

Must have grillin seasonings!

Step 2: Add in the cornbread

Remove the skillet off the grill and add in the remaining ingredients. This includes drained corn, pinto beans and diced tomatoes. Add a handful of shredded cheddar cheese and mix everything together.

For the cornbread mix, I went with a pre-made cornbread mix and mixed the needed ingredients together. Famous Dave’s cornbread mix is a family favorite.

If you have a homemade recipe, I highly recommend using that. For convenience and time management, I decided to go with the boxed version and I can’t complain.

Cover the top of the filled skillet with the corn bread batter. Do not mix with the meat. For an extra punch of flavor, slice thin jalapeno rings and place them around the top.

Step 3: Grill the cornbread cowboy casserole.

Cornbread Cowboy Casserole

Place the entire skillet back on the grill on high heat at 400 degrees or whatever the corn bread instructions state.

Grill for about 20 minutes until the cornbread is golden brown in color.

Remove off the grill and drizzle some hot honey on top. Scoop out a delicious spoonful of this fast and easy meal and enjoy the cornbread cowboy casserole dish. Enjoy!

Cornbread Cowboy Casserole
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Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make this in the oven or stove top?

All my recipes can be replicated in the oven, stove top or gas grill. You do not need a big green egg or weber grill to replicate any of my recipes.

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Cornbread Cowboy Casserole

Savory ground beef, mixed with veggies all topped with a cornbread mix. Simply yum! Cornbread cowboy casserole one pan meal ready in minutes.
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Keyword cornbread cowboy casserole, casserole recipe, casserole idea, ground beef recipe, cornbread, one pan meal, weeknight meal idea,
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Servings 4 People


  • 1 lb Ground beef
  • 1 Red bell pepper
  • 1 Yellow onion
  • 1 Jalapeno
  • 1 tbsp Beef tallow or olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp Dad's Taco seasoning
  • 1 tbsp Hot honey
  • 1/4 cup Shredded cheddar cheese
  • 15 oz Pinto beans can
  • 15 oz Sweet corn can
  • 10 oz Rotel diced tomato and green chilies
  • 1 pkg Cornbread mix


  • Dice the red bell pepper and yellow onion.
  • Bring the grill to a high direct heat. Heat up the cast iron skillet, melt some beef tallow or add olive oil. Add the chopped veggies and sauté until they are soft in texture.
  • Remove the veggies from the skillet and add replace with an entire beef block onto the skillet to build a crust on the bottom. Season with Dad's Taco Seasoning and start to break apart the ground beef block. Continue cooking until the meat is fully cooked.
  • Add pinto beans, diced tomatoes and a handful of shredded cheddar cheese. Mix everything together.
  • Mix the box cornbread mixture. Cover the top of the filled skillet with the corn bread batter. Do not mix with the meat. For an extra punch of flavor, slice thin jalapeno rings and place them around the top.
  • Place the entire skillet back on the grill on high heat at 400 degrees or whatever the corn bread instructions state.
  • Grill for about 20 minutes until the cornbread is golden brown in color.
  • Remove off the grill and drizzle some hot honey on top.

The post Cornbread Cowboy Casserole appeared first on Grillin With Dad.

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