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Spicy Teriyaki Beef

This quick and easy spicy teriyaki beef is perfect as a weeknight meal. If you like heat and there is A LOT of it, then it’s perfect for you. With tender and flavorful beef stir fry strips, top it over some rice and enjoy.

Spicy Teriyaki Beef

Step 1: Slice the ingredients

For this recipe, I kept the chewable ingredients at a bare minimum. Beef for protein and a yellow onion for crunch. The rest of the flavor will come from the marinade.

Chop up an whole yellow onion in the bite size chunks.

For the protein, I used pre-sliced stir fry beef strips. Most grocery stores have these in the meat cases. If not, pick your beef of choice and slice it into thin strips. Slice the strips in half for an easy bite and set aside.

Spicy Teriyaki Beef

Dad’s Seasonings

Must have grillin seasonings!

Step 2: Prepare the spicy teriyaki marinade

I recently received the new Hella Hot Japanese sauce from my friends at Bachan’s and wow is it packed with flavor and heat! Really not much else you need to amp up the volume.

Spicy Teriyaki Beef

To make the spicy teriyaki sauce I keep things simple. In a mixing bowl, add the hot Japanese sauce, rice vinegar, corn starch, sugar and some Dad’s All Purpose seasoning for the salt. Mix the ingredients together and drop in the beef slices. Place the marinated beef in the fridge for at least 30 minutes but if pressed for time, let it sit for a few minutes to allow the beef to absorb some of the marinade flavors.

Recipe Tip

If you cannot get your hands on the new Bachan’s Hella Hot sauce, mix together 1 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce and 2 tbsp hot sauce to get a similar flavor profile. Adjust heat level depending on spice tolerance.

Step 3: Time to grill up the spicy teriyaki beef.

Spicy Teriyaki Beef

Preheat the grill to a high heat and set for indirect heat if you are not using a griddle.

First, place the chopped onions on the heated flat top. Season with Dad’s Sweet BBQ rub for some sweetness to balance the heat. Toss them around to evenly grill them up.

Next, drop the marinated spicy teriyaki beef strips next to the veggies and spread them apart making sure each strip is getting a nice char. Continuously flip them hibachi style. Blend the beef and onion together and grill until fully cooked.

Top the spicy teriyaki beef over some freshly cooked rice, sprinkle freshly chopped green onions and enjoy!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make this in the oven or stove top?

All my recipes can be replicated in the oven, stove top or gas grill. You do not need a big green egg or weber grill to replicate any of my recipes.

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Spicy Teriyaki Beef

This quick and easy spicy teriyaki beef is perfect as a weeknight meal. If you like heat, it's the perfect level of spiciness.
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Keyword spicy recipe, beef recipe, grilled beef,, spicy teriyaki beef, beef stir fry, bachans japanese sauce, marinade recipe, griddle recipe, easy dinner idea, beef and rice recipe,
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 4 People


  • 1 lbs Stir fry beef strips
  • 1 Yellow onion
  • 1 tbsp Dad's All Purpose Rub
  • 1 tbsp Dad's Sweet BBQ Rub

Marinade Ingredients

  • 1 cup Bachan's Hella Hot Japanese sauce
  • 1 tbsp Rice vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Corn starch
  • 1 tbsp Sugar


  • Cut up a yellow onion and slice in half beef strips.
  • For the marinade, in a mixing bowl, add Bachan's Hella Hot Japanese sauce, rice vinegar, corn starch and sugar. Mix ingredients together.
  • Drop the beef into the marinade and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  • Preheat the grill to a high heat and set for indirect heat.
  • Place the chopped onions on the heated flat top. Season with Dad's Sweet BBQ rub for additional flavor. Toss them around to evenly grill them up.
  • Drop the marinated beef strips next to the sautéing onions and spread them apart making sure each strip is getting a nice char. Continuously flip them hibachi style. Start blending the beef and veggies together.
  • Remove one beef is cooked.

The post Spicy Teriyaki Beef appeared first on Grillin With Dad.

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