Men that come off as cool are viewed as more attractive and more powerful. But being “that guy” without coming across as fake is difficult.
In this article, you'll learn how to look cool while still being yourself:
- Stand Up Straight
- Don't Try Too Hard
- Wear Stylish Shades
- Rock A Leather Jacket
- Get Jeans That Fit Well
- Add Some Stubble
- Walk Into A Room & Know People
- Assume Everyone Likes You
- Know The Rules & Break Them
- Know When To Drop The “Cool” Attitude
Tip #1 Stand Up Straight
Learning how to look cool starts with a strong presence. It's how well you carry yourself in front of others. Having excellent posture when standing up (or sitting down on many occasions) is crucial here.
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy reveals certain body language gestures that can signal weakness or timidness:
- Slouching
- Slumping
- Making yourself look small
Avoid these gestures and always check whether you're doing them subconsciously. Instead, you want to focus on feeling tall and powerful – and letting it reflect your posture. You should believe you look pretty darn good!
Cuddy conducted one study in which two groups of subjects did specific “low power,” and “high-power” poses. The results showed that people with high power poses had higher testosterone levels. This result means a correlation between your body's presentation and a sense of strength/toughness.
Tip #2 Don't Try Too Hard
Less is more when it comes to showing who's boss.

You're not going to impress people if they feel your words and actions are contrived. The key is to do fewer things and do them effortlessly.
Think about it – what makes every James Bond we've seen so iconic? Is it the fact that he fights bad guys and saves the world? A lot of cops and secret agents have the same job. But only he can do it like it's no big deal.
Bond never fidgets or twitches anything. He speaks slowly with an even tone, taking emotion out of the equation. He's always cool, calm, and collected. We should all strive to be as poised as he is.
Tip #3 Wear Stylish Shades

That's right – sunglasses are cool. They aren't just for blocking out UV light and protect your eyes. To find the ideal shades is like finding the right hairstyle. It complements your face and brings out your personality.
Many styles are throwbacks, like Aviator sunglasses, which came around in the '30s and allowed pilots to maximize their vision while flying. We also have the Round Frame that was a trademark of composers like John Lennon and Elton John. Meanwhile, Wayfarers were popularized early on for their rock ‘n' roll charm.
Tip #4 Rock A Leather Jacket
These days we still love the old suit and tie, making sense since it always looks classy. But we shouldn't forget its casual counterpart – the leather jacket. You can begin discovering how to look cool by using one of the most tried and trusted garments.
For many centuries leather was a rare commodity that only the wealthy got to wear. And when leather jackets came around, they brought a perfect mix of function and style.
They offered warmth and protection from colder weather. They were used for those funky wardrobes back in the middle-to-late 20th century. Those wearing them were the original “bad boys” who weren't afraid to rebel.
A leather jacket is edgy. It adds ruggedness to that combo of t-shirt and jeans you'd stroll around in on weekends.
Tip #5 Get Jeans That Fit Well
Everybody has a pair of jeans. We all know how convenient and fashionable they are. But unlike most shirts and shoes – getting well-fitted jeans isn't a straightforward task.
To become the coolest guy in jeans, you need to consider the different fitting factors.
Check out this article on finding the perfect pair of jeans for you.
Tip #6 Add Some Stubble
You might think clean-shaven is the most “proper” look, but every man needs a little facial hair. I'm not saying you should grow a full beard – just stubble from a couple of days without shaving.
Some studies reveal women find short-length stubble the most attractive type of facial hair. Some traits associated with it are maturity, aggression, and dominance.
Another experiment used one face pictured with different levels of facial hair – where participants viewed a fully bearded face as the most aggressive and intimidating. They viewed the clean-shaven version the opposite.
You don't want any drastic changes to your usual appearance. Or maybe your work discourages full-grown beards. But a bit of stubble is just right. It's the look of a stylish modern-day alpha male.
Tip #7 Walk Into A Room & Know People
You're automatically seen as the cool guy in the room when you reach out to familiar people and act as you know them well. Figuring out how to look cool is easier when you know how to make others feel cool around you.
This tactic means you may have to recall or research some names. It's also about exuding the kind of vibe you give off when you meet an old friend. The trick is being effortless.
Amy Cuddy says making good eye contact shows lots of confidence. It shows people you do not intend to be a wallflower at the party. But of course, you've also got to speak! Start the ball rolling: greet whoever you sort of know and introduce yourself to those you haven't met before.
If you can proactively make the whole group of guests feel comfortable – that's a massive number of cool points under your belt.
Tip #8 Assume Everyone Likes You

This one involves a “mind over matter” kind of power. You might've heard of the advice when one goes on stage to pretend the audience is in their underwear. In a way, the same principle applies here (but not as visually extreme).
Studies prove that those who expect to be accepted when interacting with a stranger are the most likable people around. They're social optimists – their way of thinking allows them to act warmly and become more engaging.
Meanwhile, social pessimists are vulnerable to a “reign of terror” in which they expect rejection from the get-go. They project a cold, defensive personality and reap what they sow.
Believe that you're well-liked. But don't go giving a stranger or acquaintance a big hug! You don't want them taken aback by the sudden gesture of closeness. Assume they like you – but not that they're on the same level as your actual friends. You should still respect their space.
Tip #9 Know The Rules & Break Them
Some rules are meant to be broken – or there's a suitable time and place to disregard them. Learning how to look cool by breaking the rules can be complicated, but will elevate your game.
Many might feel strange wearing a multi-colored suit. But Daniel Craig's Bond in Skyfall makes the clash between a midnight blue tuxedo and a black shawl collar work. He owns that unorthodox style, knowing he'll come across the same way. It just makes him even cooler. So figure out which rules you can break and what types of fashion you can pull off.
Or maybe you're going on a first date and hear it's best not to discuss your work life. I disagree – what you do for a living is important. Shouldn't you know each other's day-to-day situation if you want a serious relationship? You've got to let those details out if you're going to impress. Nobody wants to waste time with a facade of someone. Be open about yourself.
How To Look Cool #10 Know When To Drop The “Cool” Attitude

If you want a long-lasting perception of cool, you should know when to STOP being cool. You need to remind the crowd that you're a human being and not some robot with a pre-programmed agenda; this is how you go from “one of those cool guys” to “an awesome guy.”
Here are some ways you can be down-to-earth and destroy those misconceptions of phoniness:
- Smile Naturally – Once you've caught people's attention and start talking – it's no longer about that million-dollar smile. A more natural and sincere smile can influence others to see the positive side of things. The mood of the place can lighten up, for which you will get the credit.
- Be A Good Listener – You may have some great stories to share at a gathering. But what people like is a guy who “actively” listens. He engages others in talking more about their interests, he gives honest compliments and asks follow-up questions to keep them going. He tries not to interrupt people and makes them feel important.
- Become Vulnerable – You should show vulnerability when the situation warrants it; this will help others trust you and feel that they can open up about things. In the end, you become the guy who's allowed the group to grow even closer.
The post 10 Tips For Guys To Instantly Look Cool appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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