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The Thursday Handfuls are great, but what if Monday (or Tuesday) rolls around and there are a few sales that can’t wait until the weekend? You’ll find three of the best, with a few picks from each, to start the week below.
Remember that these will cost you a hefty $25 restocking fee if you send them back, as they’re Factory 2nds and they’re doing what they can to find them a new, permanent home. Factory 2nds = models that came off the line with a slight cosmetic blemish. Maybe it’s a weird wrinkle in the leather, a spot on the heel, or a slightly misaligned stitch. They’ll be structurally sound, but they’ll be something slightly off in terms of the visual. Full explainer on the Factory 2nds thing can be found here.
The combo pick:
= $261.80 total / $87.26 per shirt (reg price $374 for all three)
It’s not the very best deal Brooks Brothers has ever run on their wardrobe-foundation-for-many shirts, but it’s not a bad deal either. Usually Brooks Brothers’ shirt deals are either limited to their clearance stock (these are as wheelhouse as it gets) or require buying 4 (or more) shirts. Not this time. Part of their friends and family sale, which ends tomorrow.
[TAG15] ($298)

In case you missed the steal alert that ran on our social media profiles over the weekend. Not sure why Spier has knocked $50 off their already best-bang-for-the-buck sub $300 Red Label suits… especially with wedding season just around the corner… but, we’ll take it!
Not bad if you’re a fan of Taylor Stitch and their aesthetic. Just remember that anything in that “last call” section is final sale and can’t be returned or exchanged.
Also worth a mention: