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Analyst Proposes Justin Jefferson Trade In NFL Draft

Justin Jefferson #18 of the Minnesota Vikings takes the field before the start of a game against the Miami Dolphins at Hard Rock Stadium on October 16, 2022 in Miami Gardens, Florida.
(Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images)

The Minnesota Vikings have been talked about a lot in the days leading up to the 2024 NFL Draft.

After losing Kirk Cousins to the Atlanta Falcons in free agency, the Vikings appear to be a prime candidate to draft a quarterback in an effort to replace him.

The Vikings currently hold the No. 11 and No. 23 picks in the upcoming draft.

While they could try to draft the best quarterback prospect available at No. 11, there is a growing theory that the Vikings will move up in the draft, get aggressive, and secure their franchise quarterback for the foreseeable future.

There have been many trade ideas and proposals, but the proposal Mike Florio recently showcased on Pro Football Talk might be the most surprising to fans.

Florio indicated that the Vikings could trade Justin Jefferson, saying, “If getting a quarterback who could transform the franchise involves trading Jefferson, it’s worth considering.”

He also wondered if the Vikings are even willing to pay top-dollar for Jefferson in the first place, since he’s one of the best wide receivers in the league.

This might seem like an extreme trade offer given the star power that Jefferson provides their offense, but anything is on the table at this time of year.

Big trades near the NFL draft aren’t going away anytime soon, and if a team like the Vikings truly believes they are an elite quarterback away from winning the Super Bowl, no player is safe from being traded.

Vikings fans might not be excited at the possibility of Jefferson moving on, but they do appear excited to see how the team moves on from Cousins.

The post Analyst Proposes Justin Jefferson Trade In NFL Draft appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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