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Browns Could Add QB Depth In Draft

A Cleveland Browns helmet lays in the end zone before the game against the Baltimore Ravens at FirstEnergy Stadium on September 21, 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio. The Ravens defeat the Browns 23-21.
(Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

The 2023 season didn’t exactly pan out how the Cleveland Browns expected coming into the year.

They ended up making the playoffs due to Joe Flacco’s heroics, but this was not the way they were supposed to get there.

Deshaun Watson hasn’t been the quarterback the team anticipated, as he has not lived up to the hype of a fully guaranteed contract.

With this in mind, Mary Kay Cabot recently published an article on, in which she pointed out what the team could do next.

“The Browns have hosted at least two draft-eligible quarterbacks for ‘top-30’ visits in Tennessee’s big-armed Joe Milton and Tulane’s Michael Pratt, and they could draft a quarterback to develop and provide a camp arm,” Cabot said.

Watson has only appeared in 12 games over the past two years for the Browns.

He was only allowed to play in six games for them in 2022 due to his suspension and was only able to participate in six games last year due to injury.

The Browns might be looking for depth behind him, as Cabot suggests, especially since Watson might not be ready to start in Week 1.

They could add a player like Milton or Pratt in the second or third round of this year’s draft, hoping one of them can be an adequate backup for Watson.

There was some initial optimism surrounding Dorian Thompson-Robinson to be a quality backup, but the attitudes around him mostly soured as the season went on.

Will the Browns find a way to go on a meaningful playoff run in 2024 with their unknowns at QB?

The post Browns Could Add QB Depth In Draft appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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