, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Skip Bayless Found Unique Way To Call Out Tom Brady
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Skip Bayless Found Unique Way To Call Out Tom Brady

Skip Bayless on the ESPN set in Miami, Florida on February 1, 2007.
(Photo by Allen Kee/Getty Images)

The NFL has looked vastly different since Tom Brady retired, though it hasn’t hurt the on-field product as the league still generates plenty of interest throughout the regular season and playoffs.

Brady famously retired once only to come back for another season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

However, his comeback was short-lived as he announced his second retirement which looks to be for good.

The future NFL Hall of Famer will still be around the game of football, though, as he is set to make his broadcasting debut for FOX during the 2024 NFL season.

Given his extensive knowledge of the game and personality, Brady should be just fine in the booth calling games despite his lack of experience.

Meanwhile, Skip Bayless, who has been known for his scalding hot takes, found a way to take another perceived shot at the former quarterback during the NCAA softball playoffs, via his personal Twitter account.

“What an elite clutch pitching performance by Oklahoma’s Kelly Maxwell, holding Tom Brady’s niece Maya, the Pac-12 Player of the Year, to 0-4 w/ 3 strikeouts and a groundout to end it, 1-0. OU, positioned for a 4-peat. BOOMER SOONER,” Bayless tweeted.

Maya Brady has been a star softball player for UCLA since joining the program in 2020, though the Bruins had a tough outing against Oklahoma in the postseason.

Bayless, an Oklahoma native, seemed to enjoy seeing the Sooners beat the Bruins in a highly competitive matchup especially because it featured Brady’s niece.

Bayless can’t be taken too seriously with some of his takes, though in this case he’ll have the last laugh after watching Oklahoma advance.

The post Skip Bayless Found Unique Way To Call Out Tom Brady appeared first on The Cold Wire.