, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
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Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

In case you're new here: Alfargo's Marketplace in New York City is a menswear thrifting popup that makes Pitti Uomo look like your average afternoon in a law office. Deejayed by Kris Lynch, Alfargo's is an occasion to get fitted in whatever makes you happy (especially if tailoring makes you happy), and talk about clothes with people who really love them. Oh, and good clothes go cheap.

I go to buy and sell, but also to talk to people who appreciate clothes. It's a place where you can have a conversation about the new Dries Van Noten collection, or about your Anthology jacket in that one fabric they do, you know the one. But while I'm there, I really like taking photos. I love capturing a candid, but some moments are just ephemeral—I can't show you Elias and Auden's excited hug on day one, I wish I could. But there are plenty of things I can show you.

It's been a while since I did one of these in article form. I have been posting on Instagram—October, December, February in two parts, April in two parts. But I got too many good photos this time, and I had too much fun to contain this on social media. So here we go. You're about to see some sick summer fits.

Day One [TAG66]

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Let's start with Kris before he goes inside to do some deejaying. That shirt is fantastic, isn't it?

Henry came casual with a graphic tee and baggies, but completed the outfit once he got there with a RRL linen blazer and a good bucket hat.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Victor leaning heavily into the lanky-schoolboy vibe.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Shane is not a crook, but you'll feel like one when you buy from him, his prices are too damn good.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Sarah at work. She does for Alfargo's what she does for Ralph Lauren, and she does it well.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Drew putting that corridor shirt to work. He almost changed into corduroy shorts from Rowing Blazers, but he was actually more comfortable in the heat wearing these linen trousers.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Ryo of LIC Vintage Clothing, having just posed for somebody else.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Megan, Auden, and Kshitij

Auden wore a dinner jacket and tuxedo shirt to celebrate their birthday. Kshitij can't sit down because he's wearing Issey pleats.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Jeff and Max

Jeff and Max talking about watches, and about how incredibly different their outfits are.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Edan in a slim knit shirt, big pants, loafers, and a 'stache. Speaking my language.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Elias and Auden

Elias in some good sunglasses. And jewelry. And clothing. As always. And Auden, proving she can find her way into more of my photos than anybody else.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

I recognized Joe's shirt, immediately, from a distance, as Bryceland's diving rayon. We chatted about that and other good things.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Will and others discussed the proper way to pronounce "Stoffa." That's where his clothes are from, btw.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Yung Chomsky

Chomsky making change in a GRP knit.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Zoe and Ramsey

Zoe and Ramsey of Ram's Head Vintage. A friend of the blog, Zoe wrote the postscript on my article about all that "old money aesthetic" nonsense.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Donovan's day one outfit, back from a time when he had never had Veselka. Seen here with one of the titular mascots for his brand, Grandad's Suitcase.

Stephon rocking his safari jacket and a signature scarf. And Adilton in ivy. Gotta love a guy who rocks a tie in summer because he wants to.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Nick and Alex

I used my camera to take photos of people. Zane and Chomsky take photos of people. Alex? Alex brought his camera to take phtoos of dogs. So you have that to look forward to. That's probably what they're talking about.


Bryan bought some of Rowing Blazers' Warm and Wonderful

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Andrew and Annie

Get you a girl who actually likes your fits.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Brian in a full fit from Scott Fraser Collection.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Veer, trying on this jacket he should have purchased from Los Torres Tailors.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Oscar and Ivan

Ivan showed up at the end of day one with a halo.

Day Two [TAG109]

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Michael and Charlie

Michael's friend made this hat, and Charlie tailored this suit for themselves. Fans of Charlie's should probably subscribe to The Second Button newsletter or RSS feed. Hint hint.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Henry and Kshitij

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Andy made an active effort to tone it down for Alfargo's. Click his IG link if and only if you want to see what I mean.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Ryo brought it with this black and tan. His shirt, like the shirts around him, is from Polo. Dude likes polo.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Miles and Alex

Heaven only knows what these two troublemakers were up to.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

By this point, Donovan had had Veselka twice, and is therefore much happier and more fulfilled as a person.

Ivan takes a different approach to cullinary delight, celebrating Grimace's birthday with a burger and fries.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Megan and Sora

Megan repaired my RRL chinos while Sora was busy looking pretty in that Todd Snyder linen herringbone jacket.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Laura and Dandy Wellington

Laura usually wears tailoring—I recall one heavy tweed suit in particular—so seeing them here with this more punk vibe. Dandy Wellington is Dandy Wellington They're helping a shopper try on a heavy, heavy tweed jacket in the summer heat.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Shane and Brian

Brian going through Shane's criminally underpriced silk goods.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

This dude's about to get my money.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Sam really seemed to enjoy the various odds and ends on this rack.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Andrew tried this jacket on, and I thought it really completed his outfit. A lot of people make serendipitous finds like this at Alfargo's.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Is Tai just drinking, or is he posing for the camera? It's hard to tell sometimes... Is he a little too cool, here?

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Ivan and Auden

Ivan switched into these pants on the spot. See? Serendipity.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Brian of legendary vintage shop Wooden Sleepers.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

Thomas, embracing the wrinkles of good linen.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

John in a guayabera from Gala Octuvre and trousers he made himself.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Auden and Sora

Auden, Sora, and Laura return from a beer run. You can just barely see Laura in the back, but you unfortunately can't see their fit.

I love the way Elias is rocking this PRL Casino shirt. Let loose, people.

As with Charlie, people who want to read more about Elias's style will want to stay tuned

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023
Elias, Auden, Stephon, and Srdjan

Stephon caught in public cavorting with an attorney. They should really ban attorneys from this thing, we're the worst.

Alfargo's Marketplace, June 2023

And we'll close out with Elliot, who was just passing through, but I asked to take his photo, and I apparently made his day. Listen, if you step out in a good fit with Margiela GATs, you deserve to have your photo taken at least once.

My Finds [TAG147]

I walked away from the first day with only one tie, thinking I might actually make some money over the weekend, but the second day got me. My total haul:

  • A PRL paisley tie from Zane. I keep telling myself I have more than enough paisley, and then I find myself getting another piece.
  • A Land's End tie from Zoe. I'm running out of room for ties in my home, I'm going to need another tie rack soon. But there's something fantastic about this.
  • A guayabera from Nick. Short sleeve linen/rayon blend with some nice details. I now own two guayaberas with plans to buy a third. I did not see that coming.
  • A denim shirt from Tai and Bunpei at Rugged Road. Vintage Dickie's Vaquero, It's soft with an excellent collar and good details
  • And a suede trucker jacket. I'll probably end up wearing this very casually, we'll see.
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