, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Analyst Says AFC Contender Could ‘Reset Entire Team In 2025’
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Analyst Says AFC Contender Could ‘Reset Entire Team In 2025’

The NFL shield logo on the goal post pad at Louisiana Superdome on September 9, 2010 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

The Miami Dolphins are facing some pressure to start winning as their roster is set to get expensive following this season.

Under head coach Mike McDaniel, the Dolphins assembled one of the most potent offenses in the league, though their window to compete with their core is starting to shut.

Players like Javon Holland, Jaelan Phillips, and Jaylen Waddle, who were all selected in the 2021 NFL Draft, are extension-eligible and are due hefty raises for their play so far in the NFL.

Holland and Phillips look like foundational pieces on the defense, while Waddle is an excellent No. 2 option behind Tyreek Hill.

However, paying all three of them will be a challenge even with the league’s salary cap expected to rise again next offseason.

Omar Kelly of Sports Illustrated pointed out that Miami is in position to reset the roster should they fall short of expectations in the 2024 NFL season.

“Dolphins are in position to reset their entire team in 2025. I’m certain their decisions will be predicated on how the season plays out in 2024. BUT, if you want Waddle, Phillips and Holland long-term the time to sign them is now,” Kelly said.

The market for the trio should only get more expensive the longer the team waits, so to Kelly’s point the best time to re-sign them would be now.

However, waiting to evaluate the group during the regular season makes the most sense because they could ultimately decide they need to focus on bringing in fresh new talent to get them over the hump in the future.

The post Analyst Says AFC Contender Could ‘Reset Entire Team In 2025’ appeared first on The Cold Wire.