, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Analyst Says He Doesn’t ‘See A Lot Of Hope’ With Nathaniel Hackett, Aaron Rodgers
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Analyst Says He Doesn’t ‘See A Lot Of Hope’ With Nathaniel Hackett, Aaron Rodgers

Offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett of the New York Jets looks on during warmups during the first half of a preseason game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at MetLife Stadium on August 19, 2023 in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
(Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

The anticipation is building for the New York Jets heading into the upcoming NFL season, and as was the case a year ago, some believe they’re poised to do something special.

Last season was a total bust because of Aaron Rodgers’ torn Achilles, but he’s back and healthy, and he has a strong roster around him, at least on paper.

Yet there are reasons to be concerned, and one concern some have pointed out is offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett, whose relationship with Rodgers goes back to their days together on the Green Bay Packers.

Kevin Clark says he doesn’t “see a lot of hope” when it comes to the relationship between Hackett and Rodgers, per NFL on ESPN.

Clark’s lack of confidence has to do with what he feels is Hackett’s inability or unwillingness to challenge Rodgers as far as running different offensive sets that would take the quarterback out of his comfort zone.

On the other hand, as Clark pointed out, Packers head coach Matt LaFleur would push Rodgers to explore different play-calls on offense.

New York certainly has the talent to be very competitive this coming season, even in a very loaded AFC, but for that to happen, Rodgers will have to play at a very high level.

He has 15 seasons of wear and tear on him as a starting QB, and combined with a torn Achilles, that means it is far from a certainty that he will return to anything resembling his old form this fall.

The post Analyst Says He Doesn’t ‘See A Lot Of Hope’ With Nathaniel Hackett, Aaron Rodgers appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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