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Graphic Shows Which NFL Team Has Toughest Schedule This Season

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - FEBRUARY 06: A general view of NFL logo displayed in the NFL Super Bowl Experience ahead of Super Bowl LVIII on February 06, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
(Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

Heading into the 2023 NFL season, the Cleveland Browns were thought to be a serious threat in the AFC and a potential Super Bowl title contender, with star quarterback Deshaun Watson ready to start the season healthy and motivated to prove his worth to the team.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before Watson went down for the year once again, which eventually pushed the team to bring in veteran Joe Flacco to lead the way under center, producing better results than expected.

However, the Browns still couldn’t get over the hump once the NFL playoffs rolled around, as Cleveland got crushed by C.J. Stroud and the upstart Houston Texans in the first round.

Although the Browns couldn’t get it done last year, the team hopes to get back on track this season, but they already face one significant hurdle in the fact that the team has the toughest schedule in the NFL in 2024, according to Sunday Night Football on NBC.

Obviously, this isn’t ideal for the Browns, especially as they try to ease Watson back in.

However, if Cleveland has proven anything over the past year or so, it is that their success doesn’t lean on one or two star players, with the Browns being as resilient as any team in the league, especially with reigning NFL Defensive Player of the Year Myles Garrett leading the way on the defensive side of the football.

The post Graphic Shows Which NFL Team Has Toughest Schedule This Season appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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