, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Greg Olsen Sends Clear Message About His Broadcasting Ambitions
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Greg Olsen Sends Clear Message About His Broadcasting Ambitions

Former player Greg Olsen of the Carolina Panthers reacts during the football game against the Philadelphia Eagles at Bank of America Stadium on October 10, 2021 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
(Photo by Mike Comer/Getty Images)

Former Carolina Panthers star tight end Greg Olsen made the transition from the football field to the broadcast booth, as he aspired to be the next star player to become a star broadcaster, like former Dallas Cowboys quarterbacks Troy Aikman and Tony Romo.

Although this is a tall task and many players flame out quickly, Drew Brees being the most recent example, Olsen hit the ground running and earned his stripes over the course of the 2023 NFL season.

Unfortunately for Olsen, the opportunity to shine on some of the best games on a weekly basis just took a massive hit, with superstar quarterback Tom Brady signing a deal with FOX Sports in order to be the next player to make the transition to the broadcast booth.

Along with losing money and an opportunity to perfect his craft from week to week during the 2024 campaign, Olsen has to take a backseat to an unproven Brady, but that hasn’t stopped the former Panthers star from keeping his head up while remaining focused on his ultimate goal via Front Office Sports Today.

“My aspirations are still to be a number one analyst, whether it’s at Fox or elsewhere,” Olsen said.

Although this is unfortunate and unfair, Olsen seems to be taking the right approach moving forward, as he knows the situation is not in his control and the only thing he can do is try to be the best broadcaster he can be.

Only time will tell if Brady will have similar success and what the future holds for Olsen in the years to come.

The post Greg Olsen Sends Clear Message About His Broadcasting Ambitions appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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