, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Julian Edelman Believes 1 NFL Coach Was ‘Starstruck’ Meeting Bill Belichick
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Julian Edelman Believes 1 NFL Coach Was ‘Starstruck’ Meeting Bill Belichick

Julian Edelman speaks on stage during Stagwell Panels at Cannes Lions on June 20, 2023 in Cannes, France
(Photo by Lionel Hahn/Getty Images for Stagwell)

When Sean McVay took the head coaching job with the Los Angeles Rams, he officially became the youngest head coach in NFL history at 30 years old and had the tall task of replacing veteran head coach Jeff Fisher.

Although the odds were against him to be successful at such a young age at the helm of a storied NFL franchise that had just moved back to Los Angeles from St. Louis, McVay defied the odds and ultimately led the team to two Super Bowl appearances and one win.

In the team’s first appearance in the Super Bowl with McVay as the leader on the sideline, the Rams had to face Bill Belichick and Tom Brady’s New England Patriots, which was definitely an intimidating experience for the young head coach.

While mic’d up ahead of the Super Bowl against the Patriots, McVay got the opportunity to meet Belichick on the field, and it is safe to say it was a nervous moment for the young head coach on the rise.

During the Game with Names podcast, former Patriots star Julian Edelman interviewed Rams superstar Cooper Kupp and poked fun at McVay for being a bit “starstruck” while meeting Belichick for the first time.

Although Kupp denies that McVay appeared to be a bit “starstruck” while talking to Belichick for the first time, it does seem like he was a bit jittery and talking a little fast while it appeared to be another day for the infamous Patriots head coach.

Even though McVay may have been a bit wet behind the ears at that time, he’s now regarded to be one of the best head coaches in the league and a Super Bowl champion.

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