, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 NFL Has A Made A Change To Its Uniform Policy
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NFL Has A Made A Change To Its Uniform Policy

detailed view of the NFL logo on the pitch during the NFL match between the Carolina Panthers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on October 13, 2019 in London, England.
(Photo by Alex Burstow/Getty Images)

For decades, jersey sales have accounted for a good-sized chunk of NFL merchandise revenue, but so have replica helmets, and helmets are arguably the most iconic piece of merch in any major sport.

Traditionally, each team has had two helmet designs: one for home games and one for away games, but that is now changing.

Per Tom Pelissero, the league is now allowing for a third helmet design for each team, and it has also stipulated guidelines for making sure it will be compatible with a classic uniform design.

This could be seen as a cash grab for the NFL, but at the same time, it will allow for some creativity and a somewhat new look for squads.

One other thing it could allow for is for some teams to honor their history by going with a retro design for their third helmet choice.

A number of teams have already gone with retro uniform designs at times, and this will result in some interesting looks in the near future.

Even though some fans have periodically sworn off the league, revenue has only been increasing.

Per Forbes, teams brought in an average of $372 million of revenue for the 2022 season, and that figure should only keep increasing thanks to this new helmet rule.

NFL football is clearly in good shape, and with one of the most hyped draft classes set to take the field this fall, the league should continue to be in good hands for years to come.

The post NFL Has A Made A Change To Its Uniform Policy appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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