, pub-3283090343984743, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dan Quinn’s Interesting Commanders Shirt Is Going Viral
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Dan Quinn’s Interesting Commanders Shirt Is Going Viral

ASHBURN, VA - MAY 10: Head coach Dan Quinn of the Washington Commanders looks on during Washington Commanders Rookie Minicamp at OrthoVirginia Training Center on May 10, 2024 in Ashburn, Virginia.
(Photo by Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)

When the 2023 NFL season concluded, the Washington Commanders said goodbye to coach Ron Rivera after four years.

During Rivera’s tenure, the franchise never won more than eight games and saw the playoffs just once, after a 7-9, 2020 season.

Hoping to turn around the fortunes of the organization, former Cowboys defensive coordinator Dan Quinn was hired to replace Rivera.

Quinn was the head coach in Atlanta from 2015-2020 where he helped guide the Falcons to Super Bowl LI against the New England Patriots.

On Saturday, Quinn was at a press function and was spotted wearing a Commanders t-shirt.

Curiously, the shirt also included a feather that is symbolic of the team’s previous name, Redskins.

Former team owner Dan Snyder changed the name in 2020.

It was briefly known as the Washington Football Team before “Commanders” was selected in 2022.

For several decades, groups of Native American tribes tried to get the franchise to change it’s name, deeming the term “Redskin” as offensive.

Originally, the organization was located in Boston and first called the Redskins in the 1930s.

The team moved to Washington in 1937 and kept the moniker for the next several decades.

By 2020, the public, as well as big-money sponsors FedEx and Nike, had placed enough pressure on Snyder that the Washington Football Team was born.

Two years later, Snyder announced seven options for the team’s new name and “Commanders” was the winner.

Regarding Quinn’s shirt, several news outlets have stated that it is not a team-sanctioned item, leading many to believe that the coach bought it somewhere else.

The post Dan Quinn’s Interesting Commanders Shirt Is Going Viral appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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