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Browns Are Adding Another QB To The Roster

CLEVELAND, OHIO - NOVEMBER 05: A detail view of a Cleveland Browns helmet before the game against the Arizona Cardinals at Cleveland Browns Stadium on November 05, 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio.
(Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)

The Cleveland Browns headed into the 2023 NFL season with high hopes of being a Super Bowl title contender, with star quarterback Deshaun Watson healthy and ready to prove his worth after a disappointing debut the season prior.

Unfortunately, Watson played in only six games before suffering another season-ending injury, which was thought to end the team’s chances of competing in the AFC moving forward.

However, the team was able to bring in veteran quarterback Joe Flacco, who played much better than expected and helped the team reach the NFL playoffs, even though star running back Nick Chubb had also gone down with a season-ending injury.

Ultimately, the Browns fell to the upstart Houston Texans in the first round of the NFL playoffs, but Cleveland proved to be resilient in a season that should’ve ended after arguably the team’s two best players on offense when down with season-ending injuries.

With Watson proving to be unreliable due to persistent injury issues, the team has addressed the quarterback position this NFL offseason by bringing in Jameis Winston to back up their starter.

Along with the smart move of adding Winston, Cleveland also recently signed quarterback Jacob Sirmon, according to the team’s Twitter account.

Obviously, signing Sirmon is far from a game-changer for the Browns, as they’ll need Watson to come through in order for this team to be successful and live up to expectations moving forward.

However, having formidable backups behind the often-injured Watson seems like the right way to go for a team that might be able to contend for a title.

The post Browns Are Adding Another QB To The Roster appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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