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Dolphins 7th Round Draft Pick Is Turning Heads At Minicamp

A detail of a Miami Dolphins helmet prior to the game against the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field on November 06, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois
(Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)

Last season, the Miami Dolphins were able to take another step closer to being a legitimate Super Bowl title contender, with everything seemingly coming together, especially on the offensive side of the football.

Head coach Mike McDaniel seemed to find the recipe for success, with star quarterback Tua Tagovailoa coming into his own as one of the best players in the league at his position and the receiving corps taking it up a notch with superstar wide receiver Tyreek Hill leading the way for Miami.

Unfortunately for the Dolphins, the NFL playoffs were a different beast entirely after the team was dominant during the regular season, winning 11 games.

The Dolphins had to get through the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs in the playoffs, and even though Miami was talented, Patrick Mahomes and company were too much to overcome.

With Miami needing to improve it’s roster this NFL offseason, the team headed into the NFL Draft with an emphasis on defense, with the team bringing in linebacker Chop Robinson out of Penn State University.

Although the team wanted to improve defensively, the team also brought in some offensive weapons, with the team drafting wide receiver Tahj Washington out of the University of Southern California, who is already making some noise in rookie minicamp via FinsXtra.

Along with bringing in Washington to bolster the receiving corps, the Dolphins recently signed superstar wideout Odell Beckham Jr. to join Hill and Jaylen Waddle.

On paper, the Dolphins have the best offense in the league, but it will be interesting to see if it comes together during the 2024 campaign.

The post Dolphins 7th Round Draft Pick Is Turning Heads At Minicamp appeared first on The Cold Wire.
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